Thursday, December 22, 2005

It's Get On The Soapbox Time Again!

Regardless of your religion and whether or not you celebrate the time of year known as Christmas, just about everywhere you read you will find articles shouting how stressful this time of year is. It's "emotionally, physically and psychologically draining".

Oh puh-leeze! Aren't you just a little bit tired of this?

And who decided that the time of year when there is peace and goodwill among men (or supposed to be) will be an emotionally, physically and psychologically draining time? You did! You decide how you are going to feel at any given time. You can't blame December for your choices!

It's all in your mind! Don't blow things out of proportion. Instead of seeing this time of year as a test of endurance or who can put on the fanciest spread and buy the most expensive gifts or whatever, see it as a time to enjoy special food and the company of friends and family that you might only see once a year.

Your house doesn't have to be spotless. Whatever you cook doesn't have to make the Chef at the Ritz proud. Explain to your visitors that they are visiting a real family living in a real home with all that entails. If they'd prefer spotless perfection, there are any number of grand hotels available for them to visit. Just tell them that this year you are doing things differently... because this year, you plan on enjoying yourself, too!

Don't insist warring factions within the family suddenly and miraculously make-up and be friends. Keep them apart - sit them at opposite ends of the table. Ask your guests to help you serve the meals and clean up afterwards. You are NOT a hotel, remember?

Yes, you can be stressed by all the fuss made at this time of year, but as with any emotion, it is your choice. You can allow yourself to feel stressed by it all, or you can step back and decide to think about it in a different way this year.

Stop demanding perfection. Stop expecting and wanting things to be "just so". Lighten up and for once, you might just enjoy the festive season, and if you can't, then simply, don't do it! Go away next year. Stay in a hotel. Do whatever it takes for you to feel relaxed... just don't go on and on complaining about how this time of the year stresses you. This time of the year doesn't do anything... YOU stress yourself!

Terri Levine

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