Wednesday, November 23, 2005


The last blog got me thinking... it's not always that we don't have enough time in our days to achieve everything... it's more that we don't have enough time in our days to achieve the things we WANT to do! By the time we've done the things we feel obligated to do, sometimes there is no time left over for us. Ever felt that way?

Despair not, dear blog reader! All you need to do is adjust your priorities and reevaluate your expectations. A little bit of reorganization and deleting hidden time-wasting elements from our days can free up more than enough time for the things we WANT to do. Truly!

So, where do you start on this project? Here are some tips...

  1. Have a jolly good clean-out! Get rid of the junk and clutter - whether it be too many ornaments that take hours to dust, or a mountain of paperwork, most of which doesn't have to be kept but you haven't gotten around to sorting through it yet. The idea is to clear your space - it will help you feel better and the energy around you will feel freer.

  2. Do you have a system in place for your important information? Many people are more organized in their office than they are at home! Get a second hand filing cabinet and start filing! Knowing exactly where to find an important document quickly will save you hours of searching and stressing.

  3. Prioritize and schedule your day - but be flexible. Allow for unexpected events, visitors, mishaps, illness or just can't be bothered moments. At the end of the day, any of this unused extra time is all YOURS. If you have to, shut your door and take the phone off the hook so you can work uninterrupted.

  4. Stop putting things off. If a task is so unpalatable that you keep finding excuses not to start it, just DO it! Get it out of the way and you'll feel a whole lot better when you don't have it hanging over you like a dark cloud.

Of course, time management issues may not be the only thing holding you back and messing up your days, but you won't know for sure what your time waster culprits are until you examine your days.

Hey, I have a good idea! Why not hire a coach to help you! You can find one here:

Terri Levine

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