Never take your loyal, regular customers for granted. If you let your standards slip, they will go elsewhere. Never forget that they are running a business too, and are always looking for the best deal.
Be prepared to go the extra mile for your special customers and clients, offer that little extra, put yourself out for them. Not only will you maintain their custom, but their word of mouth referrals are priceless and will drive more customers to your business.
Make a point of learning/understanding your customers own unique businesses. Then think of ways you can provide products or services that will help them stay on top or improve existing procedures. Don't just think in terms of what you can sell in order to make a profit - sincerely try to be helpful to them - even if it means referring them to someone else for a deal which would suit them perfectly.
If a special client has special needs that are not being addressed, devise a product or service tailor made specifically for them - ask for their opinion. Tell them you'd like to help them with such and such and ask what you might be able to do that will help them achieve that. Don't assume you have all the answers.
Be prepared to adapt your current products and services to meet the special needs of special clients - this is part of going the extra mile. You can't afford to do this for every client, but special clients deserve special attention - particularly if you want to keep them.
Don't desert your special clients if they are going through a quiet patch. Offer extended payment plans to them - but first do a little discreet homework - you don't want to go offering anything if the company is headed for bankruptcy with little chance for you to be paid! By the same token if they just need a little temporary breathing space, they will appreciate and remember your helping them in this manner.
Offer your special customers free previews and samples - let them be the first to discover your new products and services. Offer discounted prices for repeat business. Reward them for their custom and show them you appreciate their business. The small amount of dollars you might miss out on in the short term will be more than made up for in the long term. Customer loyalty is a precious commodity!
Terri Levine
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