Some people are put off the idea of hiring a coach in the mistaken belief that they will somehow be disempowered in the process. Coaching, one of the fastest growing professions in the United States, and indeed, throughout the world, is about empowerment - for the client! - and should never be mistaken for Consulting or Therapy. "You", the "client", are always in the "driver's seat". The Coach sits beside you. Your coach is there to help you be in control, to help you use your own power or to help you take back your own power, to be responsible for your own life, your goals, your decisions. It's always about "you".
Through coaching, people are able to get from where they are to where they want to be in both their business and personal lives much faster and easier than they normally would. Coaches view the entire person and situation with complete objectivity and without any attachment to the results. They help the client see new perspectives, learn the truth and gain the knowledge to move ahead and make positive, sustainable changes in their lives or their business. But it is always the client's decision. The power to move forward, make changes etc. always belongs to the client.
Coaching is not therapy. Therapy is about working through past issues and healing, whereas Coaching is about the future and helping successful people attain their future goals. Coaching is not consulting. Consultants typically provide their clients with specific solutions to identified problems and then leave the clients to implement the solution by themselves. Coaches work with clients to help them discover their own answers and make their own decisions. Then the coach supports the client while the client implements his or her decision.
Coaches have no "hidden agenda". Unlike friends and family, who often DO have their own agenda and DO want certain outcomes, (because they sincerely believe they know what's best or right for you), Coaches are trained to remain objective and do not interfere in ways that would rob the client of their "power". Coaches relate to their clients in a partnership rather than in the role of an expert or authority figure. Coaches help create greater clarity and an ability to make decisions that come from inside yourself, versus what the world may tell you that you should do or what you're expected to do. And it's never about what the Coach thinks you should do.
You hire a coach not because you want somebody to tell you what to do - because Coaches don't do that (well, not unless you specifically ask for their professional advice!) -- but because you want someone who's going to ask powerful questions that really get to the crux of the matter for you - you know, clear away the cobwebs in your thinking, who's not going to judge your answers, and who is not in any way, shape, or form, attached to the outcome.
You hire a coach because you want to come up with actions that are going to propel you forward and prepare you for the future and allow you to change in great ways, and exceed your expectations.
You hire a coach because you want someone who's going to help you with planning and goal setting and help you tap into different ways of learning and different processes.
You have your own answers about yourself and who you are, and a coach will really help you focus on your future and get in touch with who you are and where you are going. A coach will help you have a stronger way of being and a better human experience. A coach won't give you the answers, but will be your partner in helping you find your own answers - that is, answers that are right for YOU - and stay with you to implement those answers. But a Coach will never take your power - will never take control of your life - that's "your" job!
(It's nice to be the center of attention, yes?)
Terri Levine
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