Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Sydney The Worrier

My client, Sydney, will call him, watches a lot of T.V. and always is filled with worry about what might or could happen in the world. He has a lot of fear about terrorism and pollution and illness and this has turned him into a worrywart.

Today we had our coaching session and he brought up that he is feeling very negative about the world and filled with worry.

I coached him to use strategies that will assist him to shift from being in worry to being in the present and focused on what is working.

First we made a list of what he is worried about. Then we looked at each item and I asked, “Is this something you can control or change?” We only kept on the list the items he could change.

Then, we talked about how to take a small step to change each item.

Finally, we decided to brainstorm about what he can do to turn off some of the negatives that cause him to worry.

He came up with this action plan and I think it rocks and may help some others, so I am posting it here: (nice work, “Sydney”!)

1. Watch less news programs and no TV news before bed.

2. Read fewer newspapers and scan the headlines.

3. Make a list of things he can control and take actions on those things.

4. When he feels worry, write down what he is worried about and at a scheduled time each day, he can look at this worry list and worry then – but no other time.

5. During his “worry” time, 15 minutes a day for now and less in the future, he can decide if the can make an improvement on the situation and if can he will take a 2 minute physical action to improve it, and if it is out of his hands, he will give it up and pray for resolution of it.

By the way, right now I am giving away 2 free chapters from one of my books as a special gift. You can get yours here: http://www.terrilevine.com/ExtraordinaryLifeBookSpecial.html

Terri Levine

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