Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Days of Our Lives (cont)

Ok, so last time you met Gayle, my new coaching client. To bring you up to speed, Galye has a medical practice that is struggling financially. She is newly married and wants to spend more time with her husband, who she met while on a photo safari to Africa. He husband was also a physician who now works as a consultant to pharmaceutical companies.

During our first session, Gayle expressed that in general that life was good and she felt deep love for her husband and their life. They have a great home, live in a beautiful area, and enjoy wonderful vacations. She feels blessed with her life. She also loves her patients and helping them. She is passionate about helping people feel better and get healthier and loves learning alternative methods and using them.

Her vision is to have her medical practice become less managed care and Medicare and over time to have less paperwork so she can spend more time with her patients. She sees having a new space to do alternative medicine and creating a beautiful place to practice. She also wants to have more free time to travel, to visit her family and to be with her husband. She wants to think less about work and more about her own life.

What is not quite right yet is her business is making less money and she detests the paperwork. She misses patient contact and feels rushed with patients and doesn’t feel she is practicing medicine the way she wants to. She feels distracted from life being so focused on work and struggling with money issues.

She says she has the resources to create her medical practice differently and is excited to do so, but nervous financially. She wants my help in feeling less fearful.

We talked about her listing all her fears and not judging them. Her fieldwork before the next call was to write down all her fears, in all areas of life and all her negative self-talk. I also told her to think about what she ideally would like to see as her positive self-talk. Then to write down a true belief, very, very small that felt a little, tiny bit better than her current negative talk.

This is a coaching technique called bridge beliefs.

She is working on this and sending to me before our next session… stay tuned.

Terri Levine, founder and CEO,

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