Thursday, March 17, 2005

Days Of Our Lives (Cont 8)

Gayle had a set back this week and came to the call a bit “stressed” about the fact that her office manager resigned. This shocked her.

The manager, Susan said she really didn’t like the work. She had decided to go back to school to become a paralegal and was leaving on Friday. Gayle was also angry that she wasn’t getting full notice and had no way to have a replacement trained.

I asked her what was working. She certainly didn’t want to go there. I lovingly pushed her :)

Finally, she opened up to this and told me what was working and stayed in that mode for several minutes. I acknowledged her and asked her how much time she had spent thinking this way since she got this news. She laughed and said none and then said, “I get it”. We then dialoged about self-coaching and remembering to use the skills of what is working on her own.

We then talked about how to make this more right and what resources she had to make it right… she came up with: contacting hospital friends and other practitioners and asking them whom they knew for this position.

She left the call feeling better and focused on what is working and going to just replace Sue and move on.

She said she let it go and thanked me.

Life is chaos and life is change… the lesson? Expect the unexpected and stay in what IS working!

Till next time…

Terri Levine, founder and CEO,

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Days Of Our Lives (Cont 7)

Gayle continues to feel good about the office manager and the work she is doing to get money into the practice as well as to inform clients of Dr. Gayle’s alternative treatments that are private pay.

Gayle continued this week with more private pay patients from her alternative medicine focus and more have been scheduled. Repeat visits and referrals are occurring, too.

This week, Gayle spoke to 3 of her medical colleagues about the direction she was moving in and the types of treatments she was doing and shared articles, resources and tools from the non-traditional treatments she was having great success with. She told me, they were icy cold and she got fearful and never spoke to more people.

Today we discussed how to move through fear and I gave her my favorite coaching exercise to move through fear from my book Coaching for An Extraordinary Life. She enjoyed it and we spent time together doing belief shifting using a bridge belief tool.

Gayle said she felt less fear at the end of the session and she gave herself “homework” to talk to 4 more colleagues about her practice.

Till next time…

Terri Levine, founder and CEO,

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Days of our Lives (Cont 6)

Gayle arrived at the call in a fun mood and was laughing and I felt smiling, too :)

She told me she and her husband began putting into action the laws of attraction and were enjoying that and feeling good about it.

The new office manager was awesome and money was going to come in, Gayle said she could feel the difference and knew some of her financial worries would be relieved soon.

This week 2 more patients came for her alternative treatment and each paid her $90 and one scheduled another session and the other said he would call and do so. Both said they thought the treatment was great and were glad they now knew that Doctor Gayle did this.

The office scheduled 4 more appointments for these sessions. Gayle said it felt like it was building and gaining momentum fast and this made her feel a lot of joy, as she knew she was helping others and practicing a better kind of medicine and could do what she loved while working around managed care and Medicare.

This week, we decided on a plan for her to begin to share what she is doing with her traditional medicine colleagues. She is nervous, yet ready to go.

Stay tuned!

Terri Levine, founder and CEO,

Friday, March 11, 2005

Days Of Our Lives (Cont 5)

Gayle always comes to the call sounding happy and energetic. She told me she got one of the tapes and books I recommend to better understand the Laws of Attraction and that she was really enjoying this new learning.

She spent time speaking with her husband about it and he is intrigued and also plans to listen to the tapes and read the book.

She continues to feel good about hiring the new office manager and she seems to be making progress in getting bills out and cash in.

She met with 2 patients this week doing the alternative treatment and both loved it, paid her $90 and scheduled another session. One of the patients later called back to schedule a session for his wife and daughter. Two more patients called to schedule these sessions from the phone calls and postcard-marketing program.

Today, for the first time, Gayle sounds like a believer. She sees a way out of managed care and Medicare and paperwork and into being fully present with her patients and practicing the medicine she believes in.

See you next time!

Terri Levine, founder and CEO,

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Days Of Our Lives (Cont 4)

Say hello to Gayle as she arrives for her next session.

Gayle told me she was feeling happier in general and focusing less and less on her fears and really feeling her vision more. She said her vision excited her and she was looking forward to how things would manifest.

She had a lot of questions on the Laws of Attraction. We discussed them and she understood the concept that what we think and feel about is what we attract.

Each day as she read her vision she said she began to believe it more.

She also told me that the paperwork in her office was a mess and they were behind in billings and between managed care and Medicare her cash flow was a mess. I asked her what actions she could take to move forward. She said she wanted to attract private pay patients for the alternative medicine she wanted to practice.

I asked her to find 1 client next week that was private pay and coming for one of her alternative treatments. She made a plan to contact her current patients offering this service to them and their families.

She was excited at the prospect and nervous at the same time.

See what happens next session!

Terri Levine, founder and CEO,

Monday, March 07, 2005

Days of Our Lives (cont 3)

Here we are with my client, Gayle, once again.

She came to the call sounding happy and excited to get rolling again.

Today we discussed her bridge beliefs. First, she’d surface up all her fears and then she’d go to tell me about what the world would be like if she didn’t believe them and then we worked on coming up with something she fully believed that felt a tiny bit better than her fear.

We reviewed all her beliefs and spent time feeling the new bridges and enjoying how much less powers her fears had already.

Then, we spent the remainder of the session doing a closed eye exercise where she told me what life would be like in 2006 if she had a magic wand. She fully described her home, her car, her vacations, and her time with her “honey”, her medical practice, her garden, her voice lessons, her hiking, her travels, her yoga and other hobbies in great detail. We stayed there until she could feel, see, taste, touch and smell the future. I explained the principles of this Technicolor vision and how the brain can’t tell reality from fantasy (that is why we cry in sad movies) and that the Laws of Attraction say that like attract likes.

So, we worked on the power of letting the brain think the vision is real and going to work on making it happen and of the Universe be tuned in to our vision as it will attract whatever we focus on.

She was excited and promised to write and tape record her vision and read it and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel it each day.

Come back for the next session… I can’t wait!

Terri Levine, founder and CEO,

Friday, March 04, 2005

Days of Our Lives…(cont 2)

Back to Gayle…she came to the session ready to go and prior to the call she had emailed me her client prep form listing the fieldwork. When I asked her what was going right she said that she felt great, spent a great evening by the fireplace talking with her husband and watching some TV and reading and this morning she swam laps and was feeling energetic. I asked her about her fieldwork regarding her fears.

She said her list was “huge”. She had over 19 fears on her list. I made light of this and explained we humans have many, many fears so 19 showing on the surface was actually a small number.

She shared with me fears ranging from the fear of being overweight, to the fear of snakes, to the fear of having a car accident, to the fear of her husband dying to the fear of misdiagnosing a patient to the fear of loosing her business to the fear of getting cancer. For each one, I had her read me the ideal belief, like “I will always be cancer free” and then the bridge belief of what she could believe now that felt better than “I am afraid I’ll get cancer”. Each of the bridge beliefs were way too big and she didn’t fully believe them. We worked on this call to make those beliefs very, very small and fully believable. One example was she had down that she feared loosing her business. Her bridge was she wouldn’t have to close the doors. I asked her did she fully, 100% believe that and know that to be true. She said no. Then I asked what she believed that felt better than I am going to loose my business. She said I wouldn’t loose it for another year. I again asked if that was 100% true and she said there was a small possibility that within 10 months she might have to shut down. So we ruled that bridge out. We finally, after a process of trial and error, came up with, if my business does close, we have plenty of money to survive. She believed that 100% plus.

The entire session was spent on coming up with bridge beliefs so she now has some new thoughts to activate. We decided to work on three bridge beliefs that felt most up for her. The fear of loosing her business, the fear of getting cancer and the fear of her husband dying. For each one, she is working on re-programming her thinking, changing her energy and focusing on what she does want.

She left the call excited…stay tuned.

Terri Levine, founder and CEO,

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Days of Our Lives (cont)

Ok, so last time you met Gayle, my new coaching client. To bring you up to speed, Galye has a medical practice that is struggling financially. She is newly married and wants to spend more time with her husband, who she met while on a photo safari to Africa. He husband was also a physician who now works as a consultant to pharmaceutical companies.

During our first session, Gayle expressed that in general that life was good and she felt deep love for her husband and their life. They have a great home, live in a beautiful area, and enjoy wonderful vacations. She feels blessed with her life. She also loves her patients and helping them. She is passionate about helping people feel better and get healthier and loves learning alternative methods and using them.

Her vision is to have her medical practice become less managed care and Medicare and over time to have less paperwork so she can spend more time with her patients. She sees having a new space to do alternative medicine and creating a beautiful place to practice. She also wants to have more free time to travel, to visit her family and to be with her husband. She wants to think less about work and more about her own life.

What is not quite right yet is her business is making less money and she detests the paperwork. She misses patient contact and feels rushed with patients and doesn’t feel she is practicing medicine the way she wants to. She feels distracted from life being so focused on work and struggling with money issues.

She says she has the resources to create her medical practice differently and is excited to do so, but nervous financially. She wants my help in feeling less fearful.

We talked about her listing all her fears and not judging them. Her fieldwork before the next call was to write down all her fears, in all areas of life and all her negative self-talk. I also told her to think about what she ideally would like to see as her positive self-talk. Then to write down a true belief, very, very small that felt a little, tiny bit better than her current negative talk.

This is a coaching technique called bridge beliefs.

She is working on this and sending to me before our next session… stay tuned.

Terri Levine, founder and CEO,