Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Are You a Workaholic?

Some people have trouble taking time off of work. They forget that their jobs are simply jobs and don’t define who they are or make up their life experience. They measure their worth and value by their role at work instead of by how they produce and add to others lives outside of work.

If you aren’t sure if you are a workaholic or if you know you are and are choosing to live your life vs. work your life, begin here.

1.Get a copy of my bestseller, Work Yourself Happy.

2.Decrease the amount of hours you work each day by at least one.

3.Make some rules and boundaries about checking email, voice mail or being paged during the weekends.

4.Schedule on your calendar fun activities like sports, meeting friends, family time and self-care activities and do this each week.

5.Take a lunch break every day and never eat at your desk.

6.Let go of guilt when you are working less. Sorry to dent your ego, but the world goes on even if you are off. And your life is waiting for you now and might not be in the next moment.

Terri Levine, author of the bestseller Work Yourself Happy

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