Friday, December 10, 2004

Laws of Attraction

The Laws of Attraction and Coaching

Just got off a fabulous call with a client where we spent the entire session coaching on the Laws of Attraction. If you aren’t clear on what this is, think of a magnet – like attracts like.

This is my number one tool in coaching and the most powerful way to shape behavior.

Whatever you give focus to, attention to, and think about predominantly, is what you will get. Once a client realizes this, they no longer feel passive in life or like a victim.

The only thing that keeps people from having what they want is their own thoughts. When they are putting out energy or messages or vibrations about lack, they are bringing in more lack. When they open up and allow themselves to think about what they do want and how good it feels to have what they want and believing what they want is coming to them, they are allowing in the energy that is like.

I highly recommend the works of Abraham-Hicks in parallel to coaching and tell my clients to listen to them about making a mantra of “I a going to make the best of this!”

So, what are you focusing on and thinking about and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling about and vibrating with most of the time? Is that what you want in your life? Instead, focus, feeeeeeeeeel and vibrate what you want and you will attract that.

Getting what you desire is an inside job.

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