Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to Build a 6-Figure Business AND Still Have a Life teleseminar

Are you stressed because you don’t have enough clients? Are you afraid of selling?

There is a stress-free way to attract and convert prospects, so you can build a 6-figure business and still have a life!!

Join Hueina Su and TERRI LEVINE, Marketing Coach and Professional Business Growth Expert, for this very special FREE Teleseminar.

In this high-impact Teleseminar you will learn:

* How to have a flood of the right prospects come to you without selling, excited to hear what you have to say.

* How to convert, without any selling, the right prospects who will ask to hire you and do so on the spot.

* The one zero-cost transformation to put into action that will enable you to leverage every relationship.

* The power of emotionally engaging clients so they are with you long term and refer like mad.

WHEN: Date: Thursday, April 29

Time: 1:00 – 2:00 pm EST

register here:

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Need Sales Copy?

For more than a year now, I've been working with Ryan Healy.

He's a copywriter. And a darn good one, too, I might add!

If you're looking to get some sales copy written, I strongly recommend you contact him here:

Make sure to tell him I sent you! :-)


P.S. Ryan is not the cheapest copywriter out there, but that's because his copy actually works. (Trust me, I know.)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

How to stand out in the competition:

One of the biggest challenges my clients face is beating their competition when they are already boasting they are the biggest, the best, the cheapest, the fastest, etc.

Whatever they boast, their competition boasts.

Clearly they needed an edge... if you want to learn how to use the edge for yourself, read more here:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Announcing the Last Ever Business Seminar with Terri Levine

Yes, I'm closing the doors.

I've written to you a few times about our events - but I don't want to pester you to death.

So this is the last time you - or anyone else - will hear from me about my Business Seminars.

In the last 18 months, I've worked closely with 142 different businesses from 98 different sectors and professions.

Some have more than quadrupled their businesses. Many have seen startling growth within weeks of following my simple strategies.

But this success has nearly broken my back, because I help people individually. So I'm closing the doors until I can find a way to grow without compromising standards.

So if you've been hesitating, if you've been thinking you really MUST do something about making your business the success you know it can be... well, this is your last chance to see what all the fuss is about.

You can come to one of my very last one-day seminars on Friday, May, 21, 2010. The total room capacity on these days is just 40.

How well could YOU do as a result?

• Sarah Findley made an extra $10,386 through one strategy alone.

• Jemila Williams made an additional $15,000 in 2 hours using an idea I suggested - it was so simple, but completely overlooked.

• Lucinda Segal sent one email and multiplied her investment with me seven times - using a far easier approach than the one she had been using.

• Michael Henry has just had his best month ever in five years by using my thinking and with my help and advice.

• Andrea Green-Feinberg has grown her company ten times faster with my help - and become a published author.

• Chi Hung sold $32,000 worth of coaching by doing something I taught her that she had never even considered before.

All these ideas derive from the sales and marketing strategies I personally have used to create my own successful businesses.

Although this if my final day, the same guarantees - and the same stringent requirements - apply.

1. You can attend at no financial risk whatsoever.

2. You simply have to be a serious business owner - not a wannabe dreamer - determined to do what it takes to succeed

3. You have never been to a Terri Levine event before (as seats are limited for this last date, 'repeaters' will not be able to attend - sorry).

If you have ever been in the slightest bit curious about what all your fellow business owners I keep quoting in my letters and emails have been raving about - well, this is your last chance to find out.

By the way, are you thinking this is a publicity stunt and next month you'll get another email about a Business Seminar I am doing live? That won't happen.

Just as a last reminder: register for the very last Business Success Seminar on May 21, 2010. Click here to find out how:

Yours sincerely,

Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®
Comprehensive Coaching U Inc.
727 Mallard Place
North Wales, PA 19454

Announcing the Last Ever Business Seminar with Terri Levine

Yes, I'm closing the doors.

I've written to you a few times about our events - but I don't want to pester you to death.

So this is the last time you - or anyone else - will hear from me about my Business Seminars.

In the last 18 months, I've worked closely with 142 different businesses from 98 different sectors and professions.

Some have more than quadrupled their businesses. Many have seen startling growth within weeks of following my simple strategies.

But this success has nearly broken my back, because I help people individually. So I'm closing the doors until I can find a way to grow without compromising standards.

So if you've been hesitating, if you've been thinking you really MUST do something about making your business the success you know it can be... well, this is your last chance to see what all the fuss is about.

You can come to one of my very last one-day seminars on Friday, May, 21, 2010. The total room capacity on these days is just 40.

How well could YOU do as a result?

• Sarah Findley made an extra $10,386 through one strategy alone.

• Jemila Williams made an additional $15,000 in 2 hours using an idea I suggested - it was so simple, but completely overlooked.

• Lucinda Segal sent one email and multiplied her investment with me seven times - using a far easier approach than the one she had been using.

• Michael Henry has just had his best month ever in five years by using my thinking and with my help and advice.

• Andrea Green-Feinberg has grown her company ten times faster with my help - and become a published author.

• Chi Hung sold $32,000 worth of coaching by doing something I taught her that she had never even considered before.

All these ideas derive from the sales and marketing strategies I personally have used to create my own successful businesses.

Although this if my final day, the same guarantees - and the same stringent requirements - apply.

1. You can attend at no financial risk whatsoever.

2. You simply have to be a serious business owner - not a wannabe dreamer - determined to do what it takes to succeed

3. You have never been to a Terri Levine event before (as seats are limited for this last date, 'repeaters' will not be able to attend - sorry).

If you have ever been in the slightest bit curious about what all your fellow business owners I keep quoting in my letters and emails have been raving about - well, this is your last chance to find out.

By the way, are you thinking this is a publicity stunt and next month you'll get another email about a Business Seminar I am doing live? That won't happen.

Just as a last reminder: register for the very last Business Success Seminar on May 21, 2010. Click here to find out how.

Yours sincerely,

Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

Comprehensive Coaching U Inc.

727 Mallard Place

North Wales, PA 19454

Are You Stressed and Overwhelmed? You NEED to do this today!

I found an amazing book that will help all of you who are over-worked, overwhelmed, running on empty, with little time for yourselves. It's called "Intensive Care for the Nurturer's Soul: 7 Keys to Nurture Yourself While Caring for Others" and it’s written by my friend Hueina Su who is an internationally recognized speaker and expert in helping people find the missing peace & balance in their stressful lives.

Our world is fast-paced and loaded with a tremendous volume of competing priorities and responsibilities. The need to center ourselves, catch our breath and release the stress is probably more crucial than ever. How are we to accomplish this when we are faced with the overwhelming need to make a difference in others? Hueina’s book comes at the perfect timing. Intensive Care for the Nurturer's Soul is a definitely gentle loving breeze with a clear and strong message effortlessly delivered. As I read her ideas, told in a wonderful story-telling style, it was easy to reinforce the truth that has motivated this book: caretakers need to take care of themselves.

If you have ever felt stressed, overwhelmed, no time for you, running on empty, or feeling selfish & guilty about taking time for yourself, then this book is a must read for YOU!! This book will make a PERFECT Mother's Day gift too!!

A fourth generation medical professional, Hueina was born a nurturer. Raised in a culture where self-sacrifice was not only expected but encouraged, she understood at a very young age that balance would be pivotal in realizing the depth of happiness she really desired for herself.

Through her 20+ years of experience in nursing, counseling, coaching, and being a mom of two, she experienced and observed the demands and stress of being responsible for someone else’s daily care whether it’s caring for a normal family or caring for someone who is ill or disabled. She recognized that care-taking is as rewarding as it is exhausting, but far too often we sacrifice our own well-being and happiness because nobody ever showed us how to manage it all.

The consequences of neglecting your self-care could be detrimental, not only to your physical & emotional health, but also to your work, business bottom lines and your relationships. Chronic stress is linked to all major illnesses including heart attack, stroke, hypertension, diabetes and cancer.

It is time to take action and learn how to take good care of YOU, while you continue to take care of others! This book will show you how. It's terrific, timely and pertinent to most of our lives -- preventing and eliminating stress & burnout!

And, when you buy this book on on APRIL 22, you will receive dozens of bonus gifts from many leading experts, such as Mark Victor Hansen (best-selling author of Chicken Soup for the Soul), Lisa Nichols (teacher in The Secret), Marci Shimoff (teacher in The Secret, and best-selling author of Happy for No Reason), Janet Attwood (The Passion Test), Joe Vitale (The Attractor Factor) and so many more!

With amazing insights into all aspects of what it truly means to be both caretaker and nurturer, Hueina Su presents personal stories, practical tools and tips that are universal in their application and great for professional healthcare workers, therapists, social workers, teachers, family caregivers, moms, and anyone who is caring for others. The need for this information is far more urgent than most could ever realize.

Join Hueina as she explores in depth caretaking concerns such as:

* Recognizing Self-Care Deficiency Syndrome and what to do about it

* How to resolve the feeling of overwhelm

* Finding joy and serenity in the present moment

* How to restore peace and calm when life is spinning out of control

* Creating life balance to avoid caregiver burnout

* How to clear out emotional clutter for lasting inner peace

* Finding peace in the face of death and grieving

* Detached involvement for caregivers

This is more than a book! The self-coaching sessions following every section offer personalized action steps and build a solid foundation for a new understanding and level of caregiving. This is a book you'll want to keep as a reference and go back to again and again.

While we all know it's important to take care of ourselves, most of us don't always practice what we believe to be true. We need help and we need it in a way that is easy for us to use. Just read one small but potent piece to know why you will remember what Hueina tells us.

" Intensive Self-Care is NOT being selfish and it's

NOT a luxury, but rather an essential practice

for your survival and overall well-being."

It resonates with our souls. That simple, pure, loving statement brings me a sigh of relief. It is okay to re-prioritize, and for that and more I have gleaned as I read. I know that she has clearly embarked on a path to help us all continue our paths as healers while caring for ourselves -- the perfect mixture for a successful life.

This is a must read for anyone who is taking care of others and needs some tender loving care for themselves. Get this amazing book for yourself and anyone you care TODAY. It's terrific, timely and pertinent to most of our lives -- preventing and eliminating stress & burnout! And, remember, Hueina will be there for you when the time comes!


Are you stressed and overwhelmed? You need to do this today!

I found an amazing book that will help all of you who are over-worked, overwhelmed, running on empty, with little time for yourselves. It's called "Intensive Care for the Nurturer's Soul: 7 Keys to Nurture Yourself While Caring for Others" and it’s written by my friend Hueina Su who is an internationally recognized speaker and expert in helping people find the missing peace & balance in their stressful lives.

Our world is fast-paced and loaded with a tremendous volume of competing priorities and responsibilities. The need to center ourselves, catch our breath and release the stress is probably more crucial than ever. How are we to accomplish this when we are faced with the overwhelming need to make a difference in others? Hueina’s book comes at the perfect timing. Intensive Care for the Nurturer's Soul is a definitely gentle loving breeze with a clear and strong message effortlessly delivered. As I read her ideas, told in a wonderful story-telling style, it was easy to reinforce the truth that has motivated this book: caretakers need to take care of themselves.

If you have ever felt stressed, overwhelmed, no time for you, running on empty, or feeling selfish & guilty about taking time for yourself, then this book is a must read for YOU!! This book will make a PERFECT Mother's Day gift too!!

A fourth generation medical professional, Hueina was born a nurturer. Raised in a culture where self-sacrifice was not only expected but encouraged, she understood at a very young age that balance would be pivotal in realizing the depth of happiness she really desired for herself.

Through her 20+ years of experience in nursing, counseling, coaching, and being a mom of two, she experienced and observed the demands and stress of being responsible for someone else’s daily care whether it’s caring for a normal family or caring for someone who is ill or disabled. She recognized that care-taking is as rewarding as it is exhausting, but far too often we sacrifice our own well-being and happiness because nobody ever showed us how to manage it all.

The consequences of neglecting your self-care could be detrimental, not only to your physical & emotional health, but also to your work, business bottom lines and your relationships. Chronic stress is linked to all major illnesses including heart attack, stroke, hypertension, diabetes and cancer.

It is time to take action and learn how to take good care of YOU, while you continue to take care of others! This book will show you how. It's terrific, timely and pertinent to most of our lives -- preventing and eliminating stress & burnout!

And, when you buy this book on on APRIL 22, you will receive dozens of bonus gifts from many leading experts, such as Mark Victor Hansen (best-selling author of Chicken Soup for the Soul), Lisa Nichols (teacher in The Secret), Marci Shimoff (teacher in The Secret, and best-selling author of Happy for No Reason), Janet Attwood (The Passion Test), Joe Vitale (The Attractor Factor) and so many more!

With amazing insights into all aspects of what it truly means to be both caretaker and nurturer, Hueina Su presents personal stories, practical tools and tips that are universal in their application and great for professional healthcare workers, therapists, social workers, teachers, family caregivers, moms, and anyone who is caring for others. The need for this information is far more urgent than most could ever realize.

Join Hueina as she explores in depth caretaking concerns such as:

* Recognizing Self-Care Deficiency Syndrome and what to do about it

* How to resolve the feeling of overwhelm

* Finding joy and serenity in the present moment

* How to restore peace and calm when life is spinning out of control

* Creating life balance to avoid caregiver burnout

* How to clear out emotional clutter for lasting inner peace

* Finding peace in the face of death and grieving

* Detached involvement for caregivers

This is more than a book! The self-coaching sessions following every section offer personalized action steps and build a solid foundation for a new understanding and level of caregiving. This is a book you'll want to keep as a reference and go back to again and again.

While we all know it's important to take care of ourselves, most of us don't always practice what we believe to be true. We need help and we need it in a way that is easy for us to use. Just read one small but potent piece to know why you will remember what Hueina tells us.

" Intensive Self-Care is NOT being selfish and it's

NOT a luxury, but rather an essential practice

for your survival and overall well-being."

It resonates with our souls. That simple, pure, loving statement brings me a sigh of relief. It is okay to re-prioritize, and for that and more I have gleaned as I read. I know that she has clearly embarked on a path to help us all continue our paths as healers while caring for ourselves -- the perfect mixture for a successful life.

This is a must read for anyone who is taking care of others and needs some tender loving care for themselves. Get this amazing book for yourself and anyone you care TODAY. It's terrific, timely and pertinent to most of our lives -- preventing and eliminating stress & burnout! And, remember, Hueina will be there for you when the time comes!


P.S. Don't forget to buy Intensive Care for the Nurturer's Soul on APRIL 22. You will receive dozens of bonus gifts from leading experts.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

To win a free ticket to Terri's May 21 marketing event...

All you have to do is say why you deserve to win a free ticket in the comment section here:

Friday, April 16, 2010

The different types of support staff you need and why:

Read blog here:

How to win a free ticket to my next event:

Gift for you from Terri Levine:

I recently held a business building teleclass that people had to register for. We recorded it and decided to share it with everyone who couldn't get online as numbers were restricted:

Get it here:

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Secrets to Your Success in the New Economy

Exclusive 1-Day Event in New York City

The world of business is changing fast and those who are open to new ideas and concepts will be the people who thrive. This enlightening day will feature insightful presentations, powerful interviews, new ideas and principles that will help
you move to a higher level of success.

You will:

-Enjoy Insightful Presentations from Bestselling Authors and Business Leaders in the areas of Sales, Marketing, Client Retention, Business Breakthroughs, Investing in the New Economy and More

-Network with other Successful Professionals

-Receive Resources and Valuable Information from
Our Sponsors

-Expand Your Mind to New Opportunities and Concepts

Join bestselling author, Joe Nunziata who will present, “How to Create a Business Breakthrough,” The Guru of Coaching, PHD and Bestselling Author, Terri Levine, “How to Attract Customers for Life, ” Financial expert Stacy Francis, “The Keys to Protecting Your Money and Creating Wealth in the New Economy” and much more.

Don’t miss this one-time, life-changing event.

Go to now to register and save 75% with our early-bird offer.

See you there,


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Be Upstanding to be Outstanding

It would be reassuring if we could always assume every person we dealt with in business was an upstanding citizen who could be trusted to be open, fair and honest. How successful might we all become if we strived to be the best we could be in our own businesses and everyone else was striving likewise in their own endeavors. There would be no more scams, rip-offs, cheating or deceit.

You may have heard of the expression "be the change you want to see occur in the world". Yes, it can be a challenge in a world where a percentage of people do not understand the concepts of being considerate, honest or helpful, being in it only for themselves. One of the problems is that some people simply do not see themselves as others see them. They are not aware of their own shortcomings because in their minds, they don't have any shortcomings.

How do you know if you fall into this category? No offence, but none of us can progress if we are not aware of our shortcomings, because without this knowledge, there is nothing to work with. So let's quiz Joe Bloggs and if you find yourself identifying with the responses, you may have a little work to do on your self-development… :

1. Being judgmental. I’m always on the look-out for the bad in people so I don't get taken for a ride. You’ve got to know your enemy! And face it, the world is full of rotten people doing rotten things and I want to spot them before they spot me! You can’t trust anyone. I didn’t get to my position without being a good judge of character. I’m an authority on people. And I know when I’m right. If you don’t agree with me, that’s simply because you’re wrong!
2. Disrespectful. From where I stand, this is MY life and so, only MY rights count in MY life and people need to respect that and respect me. I don’t have to respect them, because they’re all rotten. They're either richer than me and think they're better than me and so many of those rich people are conniving ripoff artists, or they're poorer and they can't be trusted either because they're always trying to rip you off, too.
3. Not Being a Good Listener. Who’s not listening now? Didn’t I just say that I don’t have to listen to you? Who are you, anyway? Do you live in my street? I don’t care what unimportant, little thing you have to say. You’re not at my level so how can you have anything to say that’s worth listening to? Go away and stop bothering me!
4. Be interested – not interesting. Who said I’m not interested? I’m interested in the stockmarket, my new car, my next overseas holiday, and my kids' impressive achievements. Ha, you should hear what we did last holidays, and this suit I’m wearing cost me a fortune, and what about my facelift, now there’s something interesting, and let me tell you about the new contract I won all by myself… oh and did I tell you about little Jimmy getting on the swim team… let me tell you about me, me, me because I'm sure I'm much more interesting than you!
5. Respond from Your Heart. Listen, we didn’t get our trendy suits and our highrise offices by listening with our hearts! I respond with my head… if that makes me a cold unemotional fish, tough. I don't care what effect that has on you – you're not my problem. There’s no place in business for ‘hearts’. Home is where the heart is and should stay… did I tell you about my new holiday home, oh, and my new car… now that car has heart!
6. Be truthful. Are you for real? I’m sorry, there’s a time and a place for the truth and you won’t find a time or a place for it in the real world. You can’t go around telling the truth! Nobody tells the truth! Where do you live? Never-Never Land? You certainly don’t live in my street! You want the truth? You’re wasting my time with this drivel.
7. Be helpful. I am helpful. I paid for my secretary's plastic surgery – this is a win-win - now she looks ten years younger and I have someone to impress the clients with when we go out for dinner… of course, this leaves my wife with more time to spend at home with the kids, which is also important – see? I'm not only helpful, I'm considerate.
8. Maintain Your Integrity and Your Dignity. You won’t find a more dignified person than me. I’m rich. I’m successful. I have the proud bearing of a very dignified person and all that gossip about my bad temper and rudeness in board meetings is just jealous talk. And of course our staff can trust me… I didn't actually lie to those people who lost their jobs during the company merger… I just thought it better not to tell the whole story!
9. Go the Extra Mile. I jog every morning – we have big houses in our street, and I jog one extra house length each week... What? That's not what you meant? Well, the extra mile costs time and money… you want I should dip into my profits for someone I don't even know?
10. Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say. You better believe it! I mean it if I tell you I’m having you removed from the building and if you’re not gone within 60 seconds I’m calling security! And don’t run! It’s undignified! Even for you!

Friday, April 09, 2010

Are you aiding and abetting e-myths?

If you are an entrepreneur feeling overwhelmed or defeated, read here:

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Four things you can't recover:

(1) The stone... after the throw.

(2) The word... after it's said.

(3) The occasion... after it's missed.

(4) The time... after it's gone.

Life's too short... we can help the world be a better place if we think about the above before we speak or act.

Have a great day!


Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Terri Levine's New Project - Terri Levine RSD Foundation for Children

Those of you who are familiar with Terri's work will know that she has been a staunch supporter of RSD victims for many years, and is also a sufferer herself.  She has done a great deal of fundraising for RSD charities in the past and now she is taking it up a notch - welcome the Terri Levine RSD Foundation for Children!

New web presence in progress as we speak… for now, we are currently seeking a Board of Directors and we’d like interested people to let Terri know of their interest.

Right now we need :

Social Worker

And others to serve on the Board. We will have virtual phone or skype board meetings.

It is a “charity” with no money right now to pay you – we are just starting up.

So if you are interested or you know people who would be interested and who feel strongly about doing work that supports this valuable cause, please contact Terri via - put RSD in the subject line so it stands out.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Lessons You Can Learn From Humpty

Find out here:

Terri Levine's Strategic Marketing Workshop

When I sent out the email about my Strategic Marketing workshop yesterday, the office received a lot of questions about the event, so I've summarized these below.

When is it?
Friday, May 21, 2010 9:00am - 5:00pm

Where is it?
Talamore Country Club, 723 Talamore Drive, Ambler, PA
Close to PA Turnpike, 202 and 309 with plenty of free parking.

Is this a conference, seminar or workshop?

Well, it's not a formal conference, it's very relaxed with plenty of humor. (I promise you won't be bored!)

Will there be networking opportunities?

Yes - there are plenty of breaks and there's lunch too.

Will I learn anything that will benefit my business?

I will teach you practical marketing strategies that will help you find more clients without spending more money - and I have hundreds of previous delegates that will vouch for that. I guarantee you will leave with pages of action points that will make you more money and quite possibly transform your business.

How much is it again?

The only fee you pay is $150 for my training, your own profitability manual, lunch, and the following bonus items:

• Bonus 1: 60 Day Coaching Challenge to get you moving on sales, marketing and internet marketing
• Bonus 2: Building an Extraordinary Business
• Bonus 3: A 45 Minute in Depth Coaching Video with Terri Levine

How do I register?

Does the Strategic Marketing Workshop apply to any business?

Yes it does - we've had recruitment consultants to carpet cleaners, software manufacturers to swimming pool manufacturers, sales trainers, coaches, authors, consultants, realtors, financial planners, to accountants. Good marketing is about understanding people - whatever the product or service.

Can I attend if I don't meet your criteria?

Yes you can! You just invest a tad more so I know YOU are serious about business growth.

Finally - click here to read more:

My Goal Is YOUR Success!
Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

Sunday, April 04, 2010

On March 11th, I ran a one-day event for 39 business owners...

- my most successful event yet. (see some of the testimonials at:

Every person there was privy to the marketing strategies that my high-end, fee-paying clients pay thousands of dollars a year for - but these 39 business owners didn't pay a penny as this event was free of charge. (with a $50 donation to the charity I represent)

I made a major decision after that event. I have decided to only run small, more intimate events for the time being.

I'm a victim of my own success. Why? More and more business owners are using my marketing strategies to increase their sales and profitability and word of mouth is making my programs more and more popular.

• One attendee used a strategy to create three new clients worth $48,000.

• Another, $5000 more profit from one idea.

• A third, $51,000, three days after meeting with me.

• A fourth, added triple her client base in 3 weeks.

• And there are dozens more.


On May 21st in Ambler, PA, I'm doing a more exclusive and intimate event, and asking for a tiny investment and I am giving you:

• Bonus 1: 60 Day Coaching Challenge to get you moving on sales, marketing and internet marketing

• Bonus 2: Building an Extraordinary Business

• Bonus 3: A 45 Minute in Depth Coaching Video with Terri Levine

At this seminar I will show you: How to Increase Your Sales - strategies that really work.

And: How to generate more leads for your business, practically overnight.

To attend you must fulfill criteria:

1. This is NOT for start-ups, failing businesses or people who have ‘a great idea for a business’. It’s for serious business owners with at least 2 years experience who are determined to invest time, effort, energy and money into making their businesses succeed.

2. You have to be doing well – and want to do better – and be creating revenue of at least $150,000 a year.

3. And please don’t even think of requesting a place if you aren’t completely committed to making your business more successful.

If you don't fulfill either criteria, but still want to come, you are welcome at the full ticket price of $550.

There will be a maximum of 50 attendees at each seminar, so we can all get to know each other.

I do these events to introduce you to how I help business owners build more profitable businesses - and you may want to become one of my Private VIP Clients as a result, although there is no obligation or pressure.

If you would like to attend this important seminar May 21st in Ambler, PA, 9:00-5:00pm, please click now to register.

So, if you want to generate more media coverage for your business, improve your selling skills or discover how generate thousands of new inquiries a month, quickly reserve your seat here:

My Goal Is YOUR Success!

Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®

Friday, April 02, 2010

Don't Miss This Teleseminar with Terri Levine:

Give me one hour of your time and I GUARANTEE Cold calling will be a thing of the past!

Thursday, April 01, 2010

How You Can Benefit from My Facebook and Twitter Promo This Week

I am having a special holiday Facebook and Twitter Promo…

I'm trying to increase my followers and friends so I can interact with them in ways I am unable to using an everyday mailing list.

We can interact – AND you also benefit because I will be able to share your interesting posts and activities and events that you are doing – you will gain much more exposure being a member of my Facebook and Twitter lists AND you will be the first to know about my special events or just receive snippets of my special Terri-wisdom, and every now and then there will be giveaways.

You don't have to wade through paragraphs like this to find out what I am up to or offering – the posts are short and to the point as you probably know and I do keep my facebook and twitter followers up to date – you will know things before my mailing list. Best of all you get to decide if you'll read your posts online or have them delivered to your email.

To join my Facebook Fan Page, go here:

and click on the "Become a Fan" button at the top.

Then to follow me on Twitter, go here:

and click on the "Follow" button underneath my photo.

Twice a day, a.m. and p.m. for the next week, we will pick 2 random winners who will get a chance to select their own gift from a list one of my assistants will send you via private message on Facebook, PLUS we will give all new signups a gift at the end of the week. Your names will be collected and the download link will be mailed privately to you.

This is a win-win-win!

So go and sign up now for my Facebook Fan Page and follow me on Twitter and send me a hello when you have done so, so I can see you.

Happy Holidays!