Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My Blog Has Moved, Please Subscribe To New One

I haven't been here for awhile as we've been moving my blog.

Please subscribe to my new blog at: http://comprehensivecoachingu.com/wp/

Terri Levine

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Giving Away Books?

I have a ton of books that I am finished with that I posted on half.com for sale and actually I am happy to give them away as long as I get paid for shipping. Books about money, prosperity, health, beauty, coaching.

So on a first-come-first-serve basis, you can get books.


Email me and I'll send you the list.


Goal Is YOUR Success!
Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching SM
PresidentComprehensive Coaching U, Inc.
(877-401-6165) http://www.CoachInstitute.com

Create a great home based business coaching clients over the phone!
Visit http://www.CoachInstitute.com today!

Monday, October 01, 2007

The Cleanse Ends

Today is the last day of the cleanse... today is just juicing oranges... tomorrow... oranges and later vegetable broth and then oranges and veg broth and eating some veggies with the broth.

Overall I have regained my sense of smell, my allergies are way down and I have a ton of energy.

I am thrilled and might do this for 10 days each month just to continue to remove medication and toxins from my system.

What a nice way to welcome in October!

And, this city is going nuts having the Phillies win the division... all part of October fun!

My Goal Is YOUR Success!
Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching SM
PresidentComprehensive Coaching U, Inc.
(877-401-6165) http://www.CoachInstitute.com

Create a great home based business coaching clients over the phone!
Visit http://www.CoachInstitute.com today!