Friday, December 29, 2006

Powering Up for the New Year...

If you find yourself struggling to find ways of jumpstarting your business or life, the answer may be as simple as clearing out a little space for creative thought.

Finding space for creative thought doesn't have to be overwhelming. Start simple.

Discover time that can be yours without making tremendous changes. For example, most of us spend some time driving to and from work. Rather than spending that time returning phone calls or rehashing the problems of the day, listen to your favorite music and let your mind play or just relax. You will be amazed at the wonderful ideas that appear when you let your mind "do it's own thing".

You know, day-dreaming is not really wasted time. Some of our greatest ideas come to us during such moments of peaceful, creative idleness. You just let your mind drift and think about what IT wants to think about... let it hop through the field of thoughts like someone with a trigger-happy TV Remote finger. You will be surprised just what your mind is capable of conjuring up when you take the time to be still and listen.

More often than not, it is when we stop thinking about something, a problem, a challenge, seeking a solution, and move to a different room and just sit quietly, the solution will just pop into our heads. But our minds can’t think creatively when we force it to look at things from the narrow perspective we have and it can’t think creatively if it is being bombarded with interruptions from other people, the TV, the radio, etc.

By all means use outside advice and suggestions for your business and life, but when it comes to something unique to you, that outside advice just doesn't cover, know that all the answers you ever need are within. You already have the answer, but you need quiet time for it to surface and say "hey, I'm here!" We all, really do, know all the answers ourselves, but some of us just don't trust ourselves because we think we aren't that clever. Know that this has nothing to do with your 'cleverness' or what level school you went to.

When planning your 2007, make sure you allow time for YOU. Even if it is only 10 minutes a day... treat that 10 minutes as precious YOU time... no work, no family, no friends, no nothing... just you and yourself.

And have a wonderful, happy, and successful New Year!!

Terri Levine

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Desiderata is the plural form of a Latin word which basically, in a nutshell, means that which is desired; that which is needed or wanted. And it is also the name of a very famous document whose authorship is the subject of much conjecture.

You see, it is copyrighted by American poet, Max Ehrmann. However, in the very first edition of his book of poems he apparently talks about the "legend" of this same poem. This legend says this small document or poem was discovered on the wall of St. Paul's Church in Baltimore way back in 1692.

For now, let's not worry ourselves speculating over its true origins and whatever you are celebrating this week, be it religious or otherwise, or just enjoying the holidays, I hope you ARE having a joyous and happy time of it with your family!

Ordinarily, I avoid doubling up newsletter content with blog content, but this week we posted that now very famous poem "Desiderata" in my weekly newsletter. Well! I thought everyone knew this poem. It was put to music in the 70's and made famous that way, too. Seems I was wrong, judging by the number of emails my assistant received thanking us for it and it's timely message.

So… if like some of my beloved newsletter readers, you are not familiar with Desiderata, I am posting it here for your reading pleasure and for what benefits you may gain from its infinite and timeless wisdom…


Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

- Max Ehrmann

Beautiful, isn't it? And on this note I'd like to wish you all the best
for the New Year.

Terri Levine

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Baby Steps and Big Steps

I am sooooooooooo excited to share that on Monday I began taking baby steps without a cane! Granted it was only a few and they were a bit odd... and today I have taken BIG steps without a cane... still a bit odd looking but still I am doing my version of walking! I plan to back into the gym by March and thank you all for believing in me and sending me Reiki and healing energy.

So many people have touched my lives in so many ways during this event and I can't begin to express how much love and gratitude I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel.

I wish you all EXTRAordinary holidays and want for you to create 2007 exactly as you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel it!

Terri Levine

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Making Lawyers Rich

I am so amused by people who aren't able to speak their own truth and who don't openly communicate their feeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings to others and then run to attorneys to hide behind. These types of people aren't in integrity. They aren't being authentic and openly communicating and don't value others in their lives or believe that adults can discuss and negotiate. It is a certain type of weak and pathetic person who tries to avoid conflict and who actually believes the legal system works for them as a client.

Knowing the legal system, I know it as a system that makes attorneys rich and drags things out for years and years. I handle my own life and business by being an open, clear and plain communicator and speaking my truth to others and allowing myself to hear others truths as well.

Real coaches use the powers of negotiation and coaching skills to move through conflict quickly with ease and grace.

A few weeks ago a good friend asked me about a colleague of mine that he heard sued her former business parter and then he asked me if I was also having legal contrast with her. I didn't get into any details or say anything regarding this and realized he clearly knew this same woman was back into the attorney game again.

He marveled that a person who held herself to be a high level coach was unable to function in society using coaching skills and speaking her truth and being able to tune in and knowing how to use mediation and negotiation tactics directly. He told me he and others were shocked by her behaviors as they have been hearing that she is "sue happy" and seems to prefer this method than being willing to talk and handle her own affairs. He said many of her former collaborators were not running from her and other potential players already were getting word from this large growing network within the industry to stay clear of her.

It really has made me think.

When one represents themself as a coaching expert, as a model of living and breathing coaching, one must really hold themselves accountable and ethical in the profession. I can't say I openly communicate if I would run in fear when someone I had contrast with reached out to speak to me and I certainly would never run to an attorney to handle things because I had fear about handling things myself.

It is one of those things I was teaching a large group of coaching students recently... they were asking about "walking the talk" and gave me examples of people in the industry (including this person referred to above) and wondering how a coach could run from direct communication, could be all about attorneys and threats and law suits and how that coach could attract any good from that. One woman asked powerful questions about this coach's motivation and wondered if the coach is in soooooooooooo much lack financially while pretending abundance that the coach would do anything to try to get money.... another wondered if the coach liked to "win" and another suggested the coach did not know how to accept the lesson of the present being perfect and the key essence of living from acceptance.

I simply have noted the conversatations being raised up the actions of this coach. I feeeeeeeeeeeel sorry for this human being who is not able to speak their truth and who is wasting her time, money and certainly her energy and reputation spending her years in this business engaged in law suits that the entire industry seems to be aware of.

I send her love and light and hope she will find a way to be happy in her life without feeeeeeeeeeling she needs attorneys and to create law suits.

I also hope that her ethics will change so she can join the mass of professional and ethical coaches who are deeply engaged in living the coaching principles and who have fully embraced them as their code to live by.

One of the reasons we have always had a lot of student coaches at The Coaching Institute ( and Comprehensive Coaching U is that were former attorneys and gave that up to become coaches, is they see the negative, nasty way the law is and the types of people who like to litigate because they can't communicate and handle society through speaking and respecting and also can't allow people and things to move on and be complete.

My wish is that anyone who is choosing the legal game and helping attorneys get rich, learn coaching skills and become a coach with all their hearts so they can be a loving and active and fully engaged member of our society.

Terri Levine

Monday, December 18, 2006

My Journey

As I say in my bestselling book Work Yourself Happy, "life is a journey... not a destination...". To me this means each day I fully appreciate the gifts of my life and live my life with no delay and in full joy of each and every experience. On a journey there are bumps and falls and the journey keeps going. To get uncommon results you need to be willing to go on an uncommon journey.

What journey are YOU on?

We live from choice... YOU can choose the journey which resonates for you and bring to you that which you want to experience.

Terri Levine

Friday, December 15, 2006

What Do You Deserve?

Yes, I guess I am playing Santa here deciding what you deserve;) I look at the word deserving as de-serving. When you serve others and create value for them and add to their lives and work and provide them with products and services they love and need or just serve with love coming from your own free will... then you are deserving of what you desire because you are serving others.

How have you spent 2006? Have you served others? Loved them? Brought them joy? Added value to them? Made their life and work experience better?

Remember to deserve you MUST serve!

Terri Levine

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Maybe It's Time for You To Stop...

Pretending to be happy. You buy one thing and then the next and there is no meaning to your life even with all your toys. You feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel like nothing makes you deeply happy and you struggle to figure out what you are really to be doing with your life and why you are here on this planet.

Maybe it is time for you to stop...

Doing work you don't really enjoy and going through the motions of life without feeeeeeeeeling like you are connected to other people. You are a pretender, a wonderful actor... you act happy and inside only you know you don't feeeeeeeeeeeel happy.

You are seeking your life purpose and want to take actions based on your life purpose. You want to be who you really are and aren't sure who that person is inside. You aren't fully engaged and connected with yourself and others and your goals are have to's or should's.

It is time for YOU to get your life together.

I too, was a late bloomer figuring out who I was inside and once I did I found the real meaning of joy and have lived in joy ever since.

I want for YOU to have what you want from your inner core.

Don't be a pretender... get real now!

Terri Levine

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Change Your Thinking and YOUR Life

Are you ready to start the new year off right? How about giving up an unhealthy habit this year?

Change is not about will-power it is a process of feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling and focusing your thinking.

You can't just engage in wishful thinking to get what you want.

You must feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel what you want.

It is time to put aside all excuses of justifying your current behavior. Start by analyzing your excuses and not give up a habit that harms your health or your relationships.

What is your reason to take steps to change?

Terri Levine

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Picture Santa 20 or 50 or 100 Pounds Lighter!

I see Santa loosing weight and improving his health and looking EXTRAordinary this holiday season. Can you see him in a new slim red suit, dropping sizes every month, with happy reindeer and a faster sleigh?

With the Create Your Ideal Body Program I want to improve the lives of others around the world (and yes even on the North Pole!) by maximing their health and wellness and helping them get to their ideal weight without excercise, diet or magic pills!

I am giving away the free workbook when you get the book so you can download the workbook instantly and start loosing weight now.

Don't gain weight this holiday season!

Live and BE healthy!

Terri Levine

Friday, December 08, 2006

Coaching Happiness

I've been coaching happiness for 10 years now. Coaching is a process to enhance happiness. The nature of real happiness is when you have the experience of connection to your inner self.

What I have found after 10 years and thousands of clients is that when you live your life connected to a higher power, you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel at home in being you and feeeeeeeeeeeeel happy.

If you are carrying around a lot of baggage from the past (and we ALL are!) then learning to clear is a releasing process that is a coaching process (not therapy process) that I have discovered which really allows you to move beyond what has held you back.

I want for each person in the world to experience the deepest levels of complete happiness!

Terri Levine

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Don't Be a Dummy

Ever been rejected for a job on the basis that you are over-qualified? What a slap in the face that can be! You’d think these companies would be eager to employ the services of someone so experienced and knowledgeable at a lower rate. So why aren’t they picking up all these over-qualified potential employees?

And should you under-play your work experience and qualifications in order to win a lesser position? We’ve heard of people who have done this, and then at the last minute when the company has decided they want just that little bit more, they have refused to look at an applicant because they had hidden their talents.

Well, first, let’s look at why potential employers are so afraid of the over-qualified worker. The fears are quite real, because what they fear does often happen.

1. You are likely to move on sooner, rather than later, to a better paying position. You are in the headlights of headhunters looking for talent. Why waste money and time on you then?
2. If things go wrong and they want to sack you, being so much wiser, you’ll cause a lot more trouble if they try to push you out the door, whereas a junior would probably leave with their tail between their legs.
3. You’ll become bored with this job, or get hoity-toity about your place in the organization. You might be hard to motivate and challenging to manage. You might have a negative influence on other workers with your attitude.
4. You’ll cost more. You’ll expect to be worth more and eventually you may ask for more, or you’ll milk the system because you know the ropes.
5. The employer is suspicious of your motives and your true commitment to the job. Is this just a fill in role? Will they be risking too much by taking you on?

Don’t despair. There are some things you can do that are not dishonest and may help you land the job. Never say that you are interested in the position because you want a job with no responsibilities or because less is required of you. This will not even get you in the door for an interview. You need to do as you would for any position you seek… address yourself to the position statement. You need to convince them that you are enthusiastic about the position and are qualified to meet the requirements of the position, nothing more, nothing less. Tell the employer why they should hire you over somebody else.

Starting with your cover letter, you might like to get in first and raise the issue of being overqualified and explain why that is not a problem. Explain how your experience and qualifications would benefit them. Convince them that you would be an asset, not a risk.

You can explain how your previous experience would help you to solve problems that would be beyond a younger, less experienced worker, and that you will be able to work more quickly and be more productive. You will need to offer an explanation as to why you are seeking to drop to a lower entry level position. Honesty is the best policy – just be careful how you present it. Honesty like, “I want to have time to attend college to further my education and get a better position”, may go against you, compared to something like, “I want more time to spend with my family.” The reasons you give for wanting the lesser position should be meaningful, to justify your willingness to earn less.

Provided you have explained your willingness to assume responsibilities and utilize your more experienced skills when called for, but generally, you are after a lesser position because of so and so, then most employers would be prepared to consider you.
If they are worried about how much to pay you, tell them that work/life balance and satisfaction are more important to you than the money and be quick to point out how much money you will save them by have such a valuable employee work for them at such a reasonable rate. Reassure them that you are not going to jump ship at the first opportunity (of course, if that is your intention, then you may just have to get used to being considered “over qualified” and over-looked.)

Emphasize the money you will save them by using your experienced skills, and give examples. In advance, think of all the ways you can utilize your skills in the position you are going after, and they’re getting all this for half the price.

Of course, there is the possibility that the Manager may be afraid of you because you may show him/her up, or worse, take his job! Again, you have to emphasize your reasons for wanting the lesser position – reassuring the manager that his job is safe. You can point out, however, that with your experience you’d be a great asset to the manager and to the company, being able to grow to meet the company’s needs if necessary, perhaps emphasizing again that you are not after the top job! Have them consider the usefulness of your skills with younger staff who do not have your experience.

You need to sell your strengths and your reasons for wanting a less challenging and less paying position. Be the first to raise the subject of being over-qualified and ensure you meet all their possible objections rationally.

Now, regarding your Resume, this will require a rewrite. You don’t want a resume that shouts you are ready for the President’s position or that you were CEO in your last job. You need to adjust your resume to address the criteria of the position you are going after. It’s not a matter of being dishonest, rather you need to be more selective with how much detail you give. Many positions ask for applicants to address the job criteria only, so you will be complying with their requirements by doing this and omitting the fact that you were once CEO of General Motors!

If the position you are going after is for a Sales person, don’t focus on the fact that you were the Senior Manager of the entire Sales Division in your last role. Focus, instead, on your experience in sales and the techniques and knowledge you bring to the role.

If you are genuine, offer to sign a contract signing on for 12 months. This will show them you are serious. Point out that younger people are just as likely, if not more likely, to want to job hop their way to bigger positions, but you’ve been there, done that, and are more settled and know what you want.

In short, whilst you are not exactly offering them something for nothing, you are offering them more for less. This is very attractive to employers. The only other major hurdle will be convincing them that you are a stayer. Having said that, you’d best be prepared to honor your word and stay the distance. Don’t forget that this work experience may very well crop up in any future interview – how trustworthy will it make you look if a future employer finds out you lied and betrayed a previous employer? Before going after a lesser position, think carefully about what it will really entail. If you have a fragile ego, you may not be able to handle being relegated to the lower ranks again. How are you at taking orders? Know exactly what tasks will be expected of you. Can an ex CEO go back to running errands or doing their own filing? Can you work for a younger Boss?

If none of these things are of concern, then go ahead and have a go. You have much to offer!

Terri Levine

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Letter To My Friend

Here is a message I sent to my friend Susan the other day. Susan is overweight, has diabetes, high cholesterol and her father died of a heart attack at a young age.

She had purchased Bios Life but wasn't compliant in using it before every meal.

I sent this email is to help reinforce her decision to use BiosLife and to remind her to be compliant using it everyday before meals. I also wanted to educate her on the importance of just how great BiosLife is for her health and also for her family and friends. That’s why this recording with Stewart Hughes and Dr Neal Secrist is so important.

Susan saw me taking BiosLife before every meal and asked why and when I explained my reasons to her she bought it, yet wasn't using it.

Taking BiosLife everyday is very important to me for my health. I’m also glad to say Susan now understands how important Bios Life is and also shared with me that her husband was taking it faithfully for a month now and has lowered his cholesterol.

Here is the email I sent her:

Hi Susan,

I thought you might like to listen to a recording Stewart Hughes did last week with Dr. Neal Secrist about BiosLife and Diabetes. It struck a cord in me with what they had to say about diabetes and the effect is has on your pancreas and I really want you to hear this.

Because it’s a high quality recording, when you click on the link, give it a few minutes to download: the recording is about a half hour long, and well worth listening to.

Susan, if you find this information helpful, will you forward this message to some of your buddies that may have a concern with high cholesterol or diabetes? And Marting might want to send it to his Doctor because he was so impressed with his lower cholesterol because of using the BiosLife.

I Care About Your Health,



Here’s some information that came out on the news wire a few days ago about Pfizer and all the people that were dying taking their new drug to lower bad cholesterol and raising the good cholesterol. As you know BiosLife does both without any of negative side effects and especially not killing people!!!

Here is the BiosLife chart below that has clinical studies proving it lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol 31% and raising HDL(good) cholesterol 29% So let your let your cardiologists know that he doesn’t have to compromise with drug risks to raise HDL. The right combination already exists with BiosLife.

Here s the Reuters report about Pfizer below:

Pfizer ends cholesterol drug development
Pfizer Inc. said Saturday it has cut off all clinical trials and development for a cholesterol drug that was supposed to be the star of its pipeline because of an unexpected number of deaths and cardiovascular problems in patients who used it.

The world's largest drug maker said it was told Saturday that an independent board monitoring a study for Torcetrapib, a drug that raises levels of HDL, or what's commonly known as good cholesterol, recommended that the work end because of "an imbalance of mortality and cardiovascular events."

Pfizer said it is asking all clinical investigators conducting trials to warn patients to stop taking the drug immediately. The news is devastating to Pfizer, which had been counting on the drug to revitalize stagnant sales that have been hurt by numerous patent expirations on key products.

Just two days ago, Pfizer had said it hoped to file an application with the Food and Drug Administration for approval of Torcetrapib by the second half of next year. But on Saturday, the company said the loss of the drug will not affect its financial guidance for 2006.

New York-based Pfizer had expected to sell Torcetrapib in combination with Lipitor, which lowers bad cholesterol and is the company's #1 and the world's #2 best-selling drug. According to Pfizer spokesman Paul Fitzhenry, 82 patients taking the combination of Torcetrapib died, compared to 51 deaths in the arm of the study where patients were taking Lipitor alone. Each arm of the study had 7,500 patients. Pfizer said that the study didn't raise any questions about Lipitor's safety.

There already had been concerns about Torcetrapib because a study showed it caused an increase in blood pressure. In raising its earnings guidance for the year Thursday the company emphasized that it has 242 research programs and other promising drugs in the pipeline, but analysts remained focused on Torcetrapib and said Pfizer would struggle without it.

Patent expirations will cost the company $14 billion in annual sales between 2005 and 2007, the company said. Lipitor, which had $12.2 billion in sales last year, may lose patent protection by 2010.

Dr. Philip Barter, chairman of the steering committee overseeing the study, said in Pfizer's release that the findings of the data safety monitoring board Torcetrapib were a surprise "in light of prior study results."
"We believed that the study was coming along as expected, and this new information was totally unexpected and disappointing, given the potential benefits of this drug," said Barter, Director of the Heart Research Institute in Australia

Terri Levine

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Are You a Frustrated Dieter?

Because this subject is so personal, I want to speak to the deepest part of who you truly are.

Imagine yourself totally at peace with your weight and how you and your friends feel about you. You're mind is totally relaxed with your feelings and you don't worry anymore about dieting for the rest of your life!

Imagine yourself strolling down the beach in your swimming suit, with your partner and loving how everybody, both men and women look at you. You have a renewed sense of balance in your life and with nature. You hear the seagulls, you feel the fresh sea air as it bristles through your hair and across your body, you smell the distinctive scent of the ocean and feel the warm sun tanning your whole body and this makes you feel alive and renewed. It makes you feel safe to be open and this lets you know your being here is meant to be - it's fate, it's destiny.

As you get back to the beach house, you change out of your swimming suit, and you take a look at your new body in the mirror. You are very pleased at what you see and you feel a warm, rich, sweet sense of pride as you look at your body and tell yourself "I look really great! Thank you Terri!"You now have more passion for life. You can now live a richer and more rewarding life, now you have the freedom to eat what you want, whenever you want to and not feel guilty about it!

Wow, that gets my heart pumping just thinking about it!

Is this how you feel about your body today? If not, is that how you would like to feel?

You can begin TODAY within a few minutes of clicking on the link below. HOW? When you purchase the Create Your Ideal Body book, we will include a BONUS e-workbook be delivered right to your e-mail box.

The Problem:

How many diets have you been on before? One? Two? Three? More?

I'm sure you'll agree, it's like being on a roller coaster ride; one minute your weight is up and the next minute your weight is down, then it's back up and then back down again, then back up again, higher than before.Aren't you tired of being on this roller coaster ride to weight loss?

Good, I'm glad you agree!

Let's take a look at what many people, including myself, have said about their dieting habits. (In a minute you'll see that understanding these comments is the real key to losing the weight you've always wanted to lose.)

“I'm becoming frustrated. I'm 5 feet tall and weigh 141 pounds. I've tried so hard and nothing is working.” “Losing weight is hard.”

“I can't lose weight.”

“I fail at everything.”

“I don't have will power.”

“I deserve to be fat.”

“I can't control myself.”

“I'll never succeed.”

“I never reach my goals.”

“I am not good enough to be thin.”

“My spouse moans if I don't eat the same evening meal as they do.”

“I can't lose those last 10 pounds.”

Did you see a common theme in all of those statements above?

In order for you to get off this roller coaster ride, all you have to do is learn a little-known secret that will help you keep the weight off for good, feel better about yourself and have fun doing it!
And now I will show you that secret, give you the help you want and deserve to get off of your roller coaster ride. I went through the same pain and agony of trying to lose weight that you're feeling right now, and she finally found the solution to this madness. This is my story:

If there was one diet that worked, everyone would be on it. If there was a magic diet pill that worked, everyone would be taking it. The fact is that everybody is different, what works for one person will not work for another.

There was a time when I found myself on the diet roller coaster ride. I've tried possibly every sensible diet there is, including Weight Watchers. Once I'd lost the weight and attempted to return to 'normal life', I found the weight always came back, and not only that, but I seemed to end up even heavier than when I began. The situation was ludicrous!I remember avoiding mirrors and hoping no one would take a photo of me, because I was so embarrassed of my weight. I hated buying clothes and dreading looking for large sizes and trying to zipper pants and skirts. I didn't want people to see me eating anything other than "diet" foods or fruits and vegetables because I feared they'd laugh at me and say “no wonder she's fat.”

Every day I convinced myself I was fine with my body image and I didn't care what others thought, yet I never believed my own words. I hated my body - really hated it... I was angry at my body and at myself for being out of control and not being able to stick to a "diet". And, I failed at every diet because I always gained the weight back, so I came to believe I was a failure at dieting. The negative self-talk pulled my self-esteem and ego down lower and lower.

So one day, I just said, “Enough is enough. I have a life to live!”So, I stopped dieting. And guess what happened?

I lost over 40 pounds.

I was amazed! I lost it easily, quickly, and without struggle. I had no idea at the time, that this was going to happen. However, when I thought about it, of course, it made sense. If I had done this from the start, I would never have needed those crazy diets I'd tried...and I've never needed one since!

When I finally found a way to lose weight, be successful, not give up any foods or take pills or do strenuous exercise, I felt excited and hopeful. Finally, I felt some optimism and less focus on what I couldn't eat or do.

I felt 'normal' and began to look in the mirror and liked the body looking back at me. I noticed positive attributes about my body and started to feel good about 'me'. I bought new, stylish clothes, had more self-confidence and even asked my husband to take my picture instead of covering up when I saw him with a camera.

I heard compliments and I complimented myself. I stood taller, I felt prouder and I smiled more. I began to love the ease of creating my ideal body and for the first time in my life, accepted my body fully and felt great about it.

Every day, I look in the mirror and notice my body. I feel great! I know I look great! And I
know, I'll keep this body looking great with ease. I am a new woman!

And now you can accomplish the same thing.


You can begin TODAY within a few minutes. HOW? Because when you purchase the Create Your Ideal Body book, we will include a BONUS e-workbook delivered right to your e-mail box.

The Solution:

The answer was right in front of me and I didn't even know it. Instead of dieting, I began to incorporate techniques into my eating habits that I use, and teach others, in every other area of my life that have brought me success and happiness! That's the secret to my weight loss. But I wanted to test this out to make sure it worked for others.

I then shared these techniques with my clients. The result? Every single one of my clients, with a few exceptions (like pregnancy, health, being under-weight), lost weight - when they didn't even have that as their main goal. In other words, the same thing happened for them as had happened for me!

That's about 250 people who reported better eating and better living as a by-product of my coaching. More than 60 people lost twenty pounds or more, again without dieting or struggle, over a six to nine month period. And like me, they've kept it off. How did this happen?
Because this system is NOT a diet, and it works on natural principles, it works for everybody!
My intention is for people to discover that they can eat the foods they love and truly enjoy them, lose the weight they want easily and almost effortlessly, and they can have a body that is healthy, looks great, and feels wonderful and ideal for them. The only differences that you will find in this program is that some people lose weight faster than others, but once you learn this little known secret and implement it properly, you will lose weight, you will keep it off, and you don't have to "diet" to maintain it! So many people benefited from their experience, that they convinced me to write a book so more people can learn these techniques and lose weight too.

I believe those people that will be reading this book, have all been on lots of diets. They've become frustrated by not being able to find real solutions - things that are healthy, that are doable, that feel good, that don't cost an arm and a leg, and that don't take a lot of time.Over and over again, we have this sense of false hope that tells us 'Oh, no, that wasn't the right diet - this one is,' or perhaps 'That wasn't the right pill, this one is.' People are tired of what I call the 'diet mentality.' They're ready to do something different. They know that dieting isn't the answer. We've been dieting for so many years as a society, yet we're a fatter society. Doesn't that tell us something?

And don't forget...

You can begin TODAY within a few minutes. HOW? Because when you purchase the Create Your Ideal Body book, we will include a BONUS e-workbook delivered right to your e-mail box.

How Does This Secret Work?

It's a vicious cycle that we can't get out of. We diet. It makes us feel hungry and deprived. That makes us feel bad. We eat. We feel bad about the eating...and then we start dieting again. It's a cycle that's so hard to stop when we're in it. We need to stop the cycle permanently.

The one area in which I'd never done that was with eating and weight management. So, it came to me that creating the ideal body was the same as all of the other things I created in my life; it was deciding in my head to be very intentional about what my desire was - to give up dieting, and to just understand that an ideal body meant an ideal body for me. I was not going to be a stick figure on the cover of a swim-suit magazine. I just wanted to have a nice, healthy body that stayed at the same healthy weight - and looked good. As soon as that all came into perspective for me, I was able to lose the weight.I lost 47.5 pounds, and I have stayed at the same exact weight for five years now.That to me is the key; it's not so much the losing it, it's how naturally I stay there. And I relish the chance to share this with other people!

The way I look at it, when you feel truly relaxed, truly comfortable about your body, it's as if the deepest places inside you begin to come alive, in a way that makes you feel renewed, energized, and stimulated. You feel a freedom that makes it easy to allow yourself to truly open to and surrender to your own deepest passions.

What are the benefits for you of learning these techniques for yourself?

When you start on this program, you will enjoy LIVING AGAIN! You will:

Enjoy eating again while losing weight

Feel better about yourself

Not feel guilty about eating

Be able to concentrate on your work more and get more accomplished

Feel like you're in control again

Have more energy

Love looking at yourself in the mirror again

Love the way you partner holds you that way again, you embrace and share a a warm gentle
kiss, your whole body glows with anticipation, and then...

Become the envy of all your friends. Hear your friends ask you "You're looking great. What's your secret?"

Love having your spouse, or significant other, look at your body in that way that you really love again!

Enjoy life again

Get personal one-on-one coaching to help you maintain your weight

It's called Create Your Ideal Body and it doesn't involve special exercise routines or special eating formulas or any drugs, natural or otherwise. The real secret to this life changing system is changing your attitude towards your eating. Remember the limiting beliefs people had about themselves above? This might sound too simplistic, but that's the whole truth. One of my clients said, “I simply thought myself thin.”

Well, that's a little simplistic and only part of the equation. It also involves the power of intention, mindful eating, support, and a bit more - none of which are difficult, costly, stressful or time consuming. When people ask me to coach them with the same techniques I used for myself and other clients, and I start off by assuring them that ice cream can still be on the menu, and no, they don't have to join a gym, they are a little surprised...but delighted! They are even more delighted when they discover how easy it is to lose weight using these techniques.

Because every body is unique, 'Ideal Body' simply works with your unique body and mind and that's why it works! I've been training a few select individuals on this concept, and many of my students asked me to put it in writing so many more people could benefit from this revolutionary program. So that's exactly what I did.

The real difference in this program and others is that they don't focus much on the attitudes of people towards eating and being overweight. That's why you get the roller coaster ride effect. But with our system, we work on the root problems that cause you to eat incorrectly and sometimes out of control. Remember the reasons above many people had about eating? Well, this program helps you to overcome the real cause of your eating habits and it naturally allows you to find your best weight.

If you're tired of being on that dieting roller coaster, you owe it to yourself to get this book and start on the road to having the body you will finally be proud of!

What is an Ideal Body for me?

An ideal body is where you create the best weight for you. It's easy to stay at that weight. You're healthy and well. You can enjoy your life and you feel good about yourself and the way you look. You're not overweight. You are just right for you. An ideal body is not determined by a chart, or someone from the fashion industry determining that you should weigh.

You determine what feels best for you and what you want for your own body. A person with big bones can't possibly be comfortable being the same size as a person with a small bone structure! The good news is that you can actually begin to eat by trusting your body. Your body, in a way, is its own magic pill. Your body has all the answers!

But you must also understand something. This book is not for everybody. If you're the type of person that procrastinates, this book is not for you. If you're the type of person that is not willing to study proven techniques and follow the suggestions to success, this book is also not for you.

Are you tired of struggling while on a diet, depriving yourself of the foods you love, feeling guilty about eating certain foods, and perhaps even fearing certain foods?
Are you drained from doing all of that, losing weight, and THEN having it all come back with perhaps one pound more?

That doesn't sound Ideal to me - does it to you?

If you're ready to Create Your Ideal Body, while enjoying the foods you love, learning to trust your body again, and having a community of people to support you while you are losing weight, then you've come to the right place and at the right time. Are you ready to get started to uncover the secret to creating YOUR IDEAL BODY?

Now it's your turn to learn the secret all these other people have enjoyed! You can begin within
minutes, without even leaving your chair by clicking on the link below.


Because when you purchase the Create Your Ideal Body book, we will include a BONUS e-workbook delivered right to your e-mail box.

I just love it when, you know, you feel totally at peace, like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders... that these feelings flood every part of your body... they slowly engulf your total being... you find yourself feeling so alive... you are glowing with anticipation of your new life... and feel totally satisfied because you have finally found the answer to your life long question!

Best of Success,Terri Levine

P.S. If you're really tired of all the hype of all the diet programs you've tried before and want to get on a program that really works, then the 'Ideal Body' program is what you've been waiting for.

If you're ready to finally get into a body you can really be proud of, then you're just one more click away.

P.P.S. You'll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to apply all of my techniques. Getting Your Ideal Body is just a click away.

P.P.P.S....Did I mention? :-)

You can begin TODAY within a few minutes of clicking on the link below. HOW? Because when you purchase the Create Your Ideal Body book, we will include a BONUS e-workbook delivered right to your e-mail box!

Terri Levine

Monday, December 04, 2006

Personal Growth

As we go through our lives we can continue to grow and evolve and to be and live from our authentic purpose. Life gets clouded by "shoulds" and beliefs and thoughts that other people give us and often we don't find we are living life authentically.

In fact, I believe that one reason life coaching is booming is that people are fed up with living life from a non-authentic place. They don't feeeeeeeel good. This manifests in work dissatisfaction, poor health, weight problems, feeeeeeeeeeling tired and having low energy, poor relationships, feeeeeeeeeeling stressed and never having time and a general feeeeeeeeeling that there is more in life and they are missing something.

As a life coach and a trainer of life coaches I want for people to live life from their own true purpose... their inner core mission and soul vision and to resonate with that which they do want.

Don't wait until you have time to find your purpose as each minute you are living in a non-authenic way is a minute you have wasted. You deserve to be fulfilled in each and every moment and to live from your own true self desires and wants.

Don't wait for the New Year or for anything else... be WHO you are fully and beautifully right now!

Terri Levine

Friday, December 01, 2006

Don't Save The Good Things

Do own things like great clothes, shoes, china, accessories... that you are saving for "some day"? What if you don't get to be on the planet till the "someday" you imagined? Why wait... wear the beautiful clothes, use the great china, and stop saving things for special events or occassions or just "until"...

"Someday" is today as tomorrow is a day you are taking for granted. Call family and friends today and use all the things you haven't been using today. Tell people you love them today and don't hold back till tomorrow.

Every day, every minute and every second is a precious gift... enjoy it all.

I read this somewhere:

To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby
To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper
To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet
To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident
To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal in the

So treasure each moment on the planet and know today is your life experience and tomorrow is uncertain... enjoy the gift of today!

Terri Levine