Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Almost Sold Out!!

If you have been sitting on your butt thinking about how to grow your business and wanting to have more business success, then it is time to get off the sofa, away from your computer and enroll now for only $200 to join me and my top team of mentors, trainers, coaches, consultants, authors and experts at The Learning Spa. We have some seats left and are close to sold out. Stop dreaming about your business growing and making more money... stop thinking about a product or service you long to create... stop wondering how to get my clients and make more income... stop wishing you could have a book published... stop wondering how people make millions on the web passively... TAKE ACTION!

$200 is a ridiculous sum to pay to get this training and you don't pay the rest until you make money from what you have learned.

No more watching others become successful while you complain or are stuck at a JOB or in your own business struggling and without a support network.

Don't save this thought till later... YOUR time is now!

Business Building Event October 5th & 6th:

Terri Levine

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Coaching Article

Read an article today in the Wall Street Journal that came out about a month ago about how a construction firm hired executive coaches to make the managers softer. I am glad that people are getting that management is dead and making the move to coaching.

The article said that Executive Coaching has grown to a $1billion business with executives from General Electric, and Ebay, examples of companies embracing coaching. I know Yahoo and Gementech have coaches too and hold that smaller organizations will hire executive coaches knowing they can have the "secret weapon" the big dogs have, too!

Terri Levine

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Celebrating My Weekend Joys

The past few days have been sooooooooooooo joyfilled! Thursday night I went out with Mark and a few of our friends to a barbeque and we listened to great music and ate and talked and laughed. We came home and shared some port wine and conversation and my niece and her family came from NY to our home and joined us.

The kids stayed up late and we all talked and played.

The next day my great nephew (and he IS GREAT!!) went to work with Uncle Mark and the rest of us played and chatted... we all had lunch and dinner together and did a lot more playing!

Saturday we went shopping and the kids got some new toys and I gave my nephew my own toy (a Furby!) which we brought back to life and all enjoyed.

Today, my niece and I went to get our manicure/pedicure together.

After they all left to go home I watched an Indy Race where Marco Andretti won - the youngest person to win a race! Then Mark and I spent time together connecting.

Now I am catching up with work as I have a full few days before vacation.

Man, my life is all paradise and I appreciate each person and each second soooooooo deeply!

Terri Levine

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Create Success

Take time to reflect and set new goals that move you towards more of what you do want each day. If any of your goals aren't fun and jazzy, know you won't do them. Instead, set goals that you are excited about and that pull you foward.

Never shoot for perfection. Simply choose to improve and take baby steps forward. Notice the positive changes you are making and fully embrace and celebrate those.

Have belief in yourself. You have been successful at many things in your life and you can and will be successful in many more.

Finally, persist. Past not quite rights have helped you change your course. Don't ever give up, just move foward and learn lessons along the way.

Terri Levine

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Diabetes has been showing up everywhere. My husband has it, 4 of my good friends have it, my grandfather and aunt had it, Mark's aunt and cousins have it and my sister's husband has it. Coming from the health care profession I have witnessed diabetes in action: chronic fatigue, obesity, wounds that won't heal, and death.

There is a natural product called Bios Life that has been proven effective in controlling blood sugars. This product is recommended by the former director of clinical studies at Emory University School of Medicine and many other leaders in healthcare.

Mark takes it, our friends and family take it and I take it.

It is completely safe and natural and the only side effect is weight loss.

I urge you to try it for 90 days. Have your cholesterol or blood sugars tested before you take it and then again in 90 days and see the results for yourself. At the same time, weigh yourself and see how much you have lost in a few short months, too!

Read about it and order it at: Please put in reference number: 97095001.

Spread the health!

Terri Levine

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Yesterday was an EXTRAordinary day. I spent the morning writing testimonials for people who have served me well that I just decided to jot notes to. Then when I got to email in the afternoon, after mailing those notes out, my in box was flooded with testimonials about some of the mentors from The Coaching Instititute, about the live training, about a class I gave last week and one about one of my fantastic assistants. It felt so good to write testimonials and so good to read those that came in as well.

Who can you send a note of thanks to today?

It is a great feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling!

Terri Levine

Monday, August 21, 2006

Awesome Event

I am on cloud 9 since yesterday, when I had the opportunity to meet and train and get to know about 30 amazing people from all around the US! They came to our live coach training event for free, under a scholarship, to just pay for lunch and materials. What an awesome group! The energy in the room was high, the people were bright, fun and engaging and I saw sooooo many natural coaches. We had graduates of Comprehensive Coaching U and The Coaching Institute and mentors from the program as well as current students and new folks who wanted to learn about coaching and get some coaching skills. The entire room was a joy and I left feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling "high". What a great way to spend a day! I am grateful for the opportunity to be of service to people and to share coaching skills and this profession with others!

We are doing anothe scholarship event Oct. 6-7 and do have some scholarship seats. If you want to be trained as a coach or be coached or just to meet EXTRAordinary people and have a fun weekend, I invite you to email for a scholarship application.

Terri Levine

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Justice Has Been Served!

If you recall back in April, I spent most of the month engaged as a witness for a trial involving a web company I hired many years ago and one that I also invested money in. Both Mark and I were called to be witnesses in the case against the company.

Yesterday I was informed that the verdict came in, finding both of the defendant's guilty. I am glad to hear this as they scammed so many innocent people out of money and were involved in everything from RICO fruad to money laundering.

The head hauncho, Bernie, never showed any remorse over his actions at all. He was found guilty on every count.

Anyway, sentencing is in October.

I am glad to see that in this case our justice system worked and happy to know I've been some small part of assisting justice.

Terri Levine

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Family and Friends

The past month or so has been filled up with abundance! I have re-connected with a friend from Florida and had many chats with her... re-engaged with a friend who drifted away for a bit... spent a lot of time with my 3 very close friends, doing fun things... and discovered many new friends!

I have had the joy of having my youngest niece come for a quick visit with her Mom, followed by my nephew (who is going to college in a few weeks) come for a nice long visit, and then this week my oldest niece is coming for a visit and the following week one of my other female nieces is coming with her family.

Between all the time I am allowing myself to spend with family and friends I am working and creating and taking care of me. I am fully and deeply enjoying this experience and am grateful to have so many EXTRAordinary people in my life! I feel surrounded by love and I fully give love to those in my life.

Terri Levine

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


One piece of information I studied last week that was a surprise to me is that there is a significant link between hormones and heart disease. Hormone imbalances can cause signficant changes in blood vessels, sugar metabolism, cholesterol levels and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke) is the number on cause of death. It kills one in three women. Unfortunately, few women consider it a personal risk. Even women who know they're at risk are unsure about how to recognize and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Stress can cause dramatic shifts in hormone balance. This can lead to "metabolic syndrome" characterized by high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, abdominal weight gain, and diabetes. Women with metabolic syndrom are at high risk for heart disease. For some of these women, the risk is 10 fold.

Managing your cholesterol is a critical step towards reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease. Fortunately, there is an all-natural forumula that outperforms prescription medications for managing cholesterol.

Read more... PIN: number: 97095001.

Terri Levine

Monday, August 14, 2006

Health Information

I just got back from NY where I spent a few days learning about heart health and man do I have some powerful information to share! I have a burning passion to get the word out on this!

I won't go into great details today... basically... bad lifestyle decisions we are making are creating our poor health. Each year, the number of people who die is equal to the population of a city like Philadelphia... imagine, a city like ... the entire population... just gone!

People loose 14.2 years of their lives due to heart attacks.

50% of men and 64% of women who died of heart attacks had no symptoms.

Cardio vascular disease is a lifestyle disease.

Diabetes is now considered heart disease.

Cardio vascular disease is the number killer worldwide... it represents 40% of all deaths... 1.3 million people die each year in the US alone from this disease... that is 3500 deaths a day... or 1 death every 24 seconds... hundreds of people died while I was writing this and while you are reading this!

Cardio vascular disease is the number one killer of women over age 25.

And, 90% of us have high cholesterol and don't even know it!

Mark and I take a product that is the only clinically proven, safe and natural way to keep LDL down an average of 20% and increase HDL an average of 24%. This natural product is the number one product recommended by doctors and is in the PDR, and is the BEST solution to unhealthy cholesterol and the risk of heart attack.

If you want a safe way to lower cholesterol that is all natural and would like me to personally tell you about it, let me know. The only side effect is weight loss.

More info at: enter this pin: 97095001 or my name.

Terri Levine

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Success Library

A few years ago I created the ultimate, turnkey, coaching practice system for business, personal and life coaches. The library has more and more goodies added to it and is becoming a massive library at this stage. I am going to be gifting library memberships to the members of my Graduate Intensive very shortly. This intensive is for students who have graduated Comprehensive Coaching U or The Coaching Institute only. I am excited about serving the graduates at a very high level and giving them the library as a gift. More to come...

Terri Levine

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Coming To Philly

Today I woke up to great news... 2 of my clients that I have never met, are both traveling to Philadelphia this summer! One is coming at the end of August and I'll get to meet them at the airport for some lunch and a chat... the other is coming in early September and will be staying with a friend a few miles from my home and we are planning to meet for coffee and a chat!

I so desire to meet all my students and clients and each time I get this experience I am filled with gratitude that the Universe connected us in person.

I also look foward to the scholarship event and meeting so many new people as well as some of my clients and fellow coaches and students and graduates of The Coaching Institute and Comprehensive Coaching U! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!

Terri Levine

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Visions in My Head

I have been seeing and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling a lot of visions about water... pools... beaches... jacuzzi's... waterfalls... lakes... rivers... oceans...

I took action based on how often this is showing up and spent a lot of time showering, bathing, in the pool, in the hot tub and now am planning a beach vacation.

I think my inner coach must desire water, so I am honoring her needs.

I know that when I am by the water I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel one of my essences: calm.

Most be time for calm!

Terri Levine

Monday, August 07, 2006


I grew up in NY and my father worked for Barry Halper, who owned a piece of the Yankees, so I am a huge Yankees fan! This weekend we went to Baltimore to watch them play there and I had a great time, like always. The city was swimming with our Blue and White colors and Yankee fans were everywhere! The weather was hot and sunny and we did a lot of walking and met tons of people and discovered new areas to play in Baltimore, too!

I love connecting with different people and speaking with people and hearing about where they live and what they do and just tuning in to their greatness.

I feel very connected with humanity.

All this, from a weekend of baseball.

Terri Levine

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Mother Nature

It is very hot and humid on the east coast and has been since Saturday. I am not sure why Mother Nature is so heated up!

I still got out and enjoyed having my convertible top down, but I did cheat and have the airconditioning running:) I waited till about 7:00 to take a walk in the park, so the sun was down, even though the humid didn't drop.

I am having my office expanded and the poor workers outside all day in that heat. I brought them water and kept asking them to come in the airconditioning for a few minutes but they would not.

I am glad that there have been very few illnesses/deaths reported due to the heat and people seem to be following heat precautions.

Mother or Father Nature is clearly heated up about something!

Terri Levine

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Is Coaching Right For YOU?

Find out if Coaching is Right for YOU at the FREE 2 Day Coaching Course!
*all you pay for is training materials and lunch $149, training is free (value 1295)

We've trained thousands of people to become successful coaches in Canada, USA, Australia, and the UK. Now we want to show you how you can build a stress free, high quality of life as a coach.

Use your life experience and build a practice based on your interest: work as a Life Coach, Corporate Coach, Executive Coach or other.

* Do you want to start a coaching business quickly and make money fast?
* Want to work only 3 days a week and earn what you do now?
* Do you want to build a coaching business to serve others while also doing work you love?
* Do you want to protect yourself from stress and burnout?
* Do you want to live a better quality life by having your own profitable coaching business?

If you answered YES! to any of those questions, then you need to come to this event - it just might change your life forever!

In just One Powerful FUN weekend we'll reveal...

Business wise:

How to Become a Coach
How to coach people individually or within organizations
The fundamentals of Setting up a Home Based Coaching Business
How to set prices and get paid on time
The 9 essential strategies that have enabled people to start a coaching business from scratch and in lightening speed
How to know when you are being effective as a coach
The best coaching techniques use by top coaches
Understand the basic differences between successful cocahes and those who never seem to get there

Personally you'll learn:

How to listen and hear what is really being said
How to ask questions which get to the real heart of issues and take that leap forward
How to use your intuition
How to solve personal issues
How to move through the past and break through blocks that have held you back
To create a better work/life balance for yourself
The skills to self motivate to get things done in your own life

See how to use your life experiences to help others!
Find out which area of coaching suits you best!
Witness LIVE coaching!

If you're already a Coach... you're welcome to join us too, in fact we would love that. Expand your skills, accelerate your business, get clients FAST and learn new techniques to take your current coaching business to the next level.

We've NEVER Done this before!
And we may NEVER do this AGAIN!
So enroll now:

Complete the Application form today and we'll book you if you are accepted. Alternatively, call 877-401-6165 (9:00 am to 5:00 pm eastern) and one of our friendly, professional team will help you.

Terri Levine

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Adult Learning

I am designing a new training program for a corporation and spent a great deal of time watching children in the playground while coming up with this one! It might sound whacky but I think it makes sense... try this on...

Most people don't like to be "trained"

They do thrive on interaction... the kids in the playground were having fun! I am making my training fun with new activities.

I also watched as kids made up games... some were silly, and all interesting... I am going to use games related to the work these folks do which will be fun and engage all team members. I might even get some silly prizes!

I also noticed that the kids got bored fast... so no activity will be long... we'll take a lot of breaks and change up the activities every 20 minutes or so.

I can't wait to train this corporation and to bring this model to other companies!

Terri Levine