For many years, I have believed that everyone needs to learn coaching skills. No, not so I can make money out of everyone!
One of the greatest gifts of training as a professional coach is that by learning coaching skills, you dramatically enhance and amp up your life.
I think we should teach coaching skills to children at early ages and that teachers, parents, managers, employees, business owners - yes, everyone -needs these skills to live more healthy, happy, easy, effortless and fuller lives.
Well, I have finally decided to take action!
Starting November 2004, I am going to teach coaching skills to people by telephone. In fact, I am going to teach every coaching skill so well, and so deeply, that people will live and breathe the skills. Real change comes from learning at a deep level. I promise you will fully learn these skills and be able to apply them with ease, naturally.
I am inviting people of all ages, all backgrounds, and all walks of life to join me for this program. Honestly, everybody is welcome. I don't care if you are a high school drop-out, the next Bill Gates, the President, or his grandmother – come one, come all, and learn how to make life easier and happier for yourself and others.
To learn more, and to register, visit:
NOTE: This is not a Coach Training Program. If you are seeking a course to become a Certified Coach, please go to:
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Don't Be Afraid To Persuade!
Many people fear the word persuasion. I love it!
Persuasion and influence is helping people make a decision … assisting them to take an action. Sometimes the persuasive action could be NOT to do something or NOT to enroll in something.
If you want more sales coaching kits, see
Persuasion and influence is helping people make a decision … assisting them to take an action. Sometimes the persuasive action could be NOT to do something or NOT to enroll in something.
If you want more sales coaching kits, see
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Did you hear about Gano??
We are a 10-year-old company operating in more than 14 countries around the world and had over $120 Million dollars in sales last year alone. We are now just launching in North America and are seeking a select group of confident, success-oriented people to set up a large organization. We want Men and Woman who are ready to achieve goals that most of society only ever dream of.
For your personal interview email with your name and number and I or one of my associates will contact you shortly. In the meantime you must dial toll free 1-866-444-7686 to get a two-minute overview of the opportunity you have landed upon.
Due to the overwhelming response please allow us a couple of days to respond. We look forward to talking with you.
Terri Levine,
For your personal interview email with your name and number and I or one of my associates will contact you shortly. In the meantime you must dial toll free 1-866-444-7686 to get a two-minute overview of the opportunity you have landed upon.
Due to the overwhelming response please allow us a couple of days to respond. We look forward to talking with you.
Terri Levine,
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Sales Coach
How Does a Successful Sales Coach Assist Work?
As more and more sales people are hiring sales coaches, companies often ask me, what do sales coaches do?
A successful sales coach will start with the inner landscape of the person. Starting “inside” out. That means, instead of giving more information, the sales coach begins by helping the person to develop an inner framework that allows them to be successful.
The very successful sales person is different from the average sales person in that they have a well-evolved inner foundation/landscape. Their inner stories are positive.
So, sales coaching should always start with where people are in their heads. Finding out things like what the work “sales” evokes for the sales professional. How they feel about selling. What might need to shift so they can generate more opportunities?
If you are a sales person the best place to start to improve your sales is to become non-judgmental about selling. Identify your “story” about selling. Before you engage a sales coach, think about why you want sales coaching and if you really want it.
If you don’t want to sell more, or be challenged to go the next level, a sales coach is not for you. So, for now, really think if sales coaching is right for you.
For more information and tips like this visit:
As more and more sales people are hiring sales coaches, companies often ask me, what do sales coaches do?
A successful sales coach will start with the inner landscape of the person. Starting “inside” out. That means, instead of giving more information, the sales coach begins by helping the person to develop an inner framework that allows them to be successful.
The very successful sales person is different from the average sales person in that they have a well-evolved inner foundation/landscape. Their inner stories are positive.
So, sales coaching should always start with where people are in their heads. Finding out things like what the work “sales” evokes for the sales professional. How they feel about selling. What might need to shift so they can generate more opportunities?
If you are a sales person the best place to start to improve your sales is to become non-judgmental about selling. Identify your “story” about selling. Before you engage a sales coach, think about why you want sales coaching and if you really want it.
If you don’t want to sell more, or be challenged to go the next level, a sales coach is not for you. So, for now, really think if sales coaching is right for you.
For more information and tips like this visit:
Monday, September 20, 2004
Stuck in the WRONG Job?
If you feel trapped by your J-O-B, you can get out! You might think you can’t find another job or can’t give up the security or may fear change or have thousands of more reasons. I believe life is WAY too short to hang around in a job you are miserable in.
So, instead of complaining, take some action… I’ll even send you a copy of my bestselling book, Work Yourself Happy so you can do the exercises and get yourself into doing what you love and loving what you do.
Just ask for a copy by emailing
I got out from doing a JOB that brought me no joy and didn’t contribute to the Universe, to one that brings me passion and zest and allows me to serve others… YOU can to!
So, instead of complaining, take some action… I’ll even send you a copy of my bestselling book, Work Yourself Happy so you can do the exercises and get yourself into doing what you love and loving what you do.
Just ask for a copy by emailing
I got out from doing a JOB that brought me no joy and didn’t contribute to the Universe, to one that brings me passion and zest and allows me to serve others… YOU can to!
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Promote Your Business
Promote your business by connecting with another like-minded business.
I coach and consult with health care business owners and other practitioners who are looking to expand their businesses. Here is a story about one of those folks.
Carl Wagner wasn’t growing his chiropractic business as fast as he wanted to. When we started coaching I had him identify his clients biggest issues. One issue that he shared with me was that many of his clients had leg cramps.
We talked about things he recommends for them, in addition to chiropractic treatment. He shared that he told them to buy support hose.
So, I had him get with the local pharmacy selling the hose. What I saw was the mutual interest of the 2 businesses.
He connected with the pharmacy owner and we created a special event promotion. The clients of the chiropractor and the clients of the pharmacy were invited to participate in a drawing for $200 worth of products contributed by the pharmacy and my client. In addition to the grand prize, there were 10 additional prizes, valued at $50.
The event was held at the pharmacy where the drawing would occur. The pharmacy and my client had signs advertising the event in both their businesses for about 30 days prior to the drawing. They also mailed information to their mailing lists.
The pharmacy was given printed gift certificates to be seen for a one-hour office consult for leg pain or cramps, by the chiropractor.
The chiropractor gave out $5.00 certificates for support hose from the pharmacy to his clients.
They also created, with my help, press releases to the local community papers and radio and cable TV stations about the drawing. They got this in print as well as having the press actually show up to take pictures and write an article about the drawing.
On the day of the drawing, 149 people came to the pharmacy. The prizes were given out. The media recorded the event and every attendee was given a gift certificate for money off from the pharmacy as well as free consult from the chiropractor.
My client paid for some printing, mailing and postage, which cost him under $1,000. His return? In 30 days: $7682 in new client revenues!
What can YOU do to get more business?
Want more moneymaking tips fast?
Go to:
I coach and consult with health care business owners and other practitioners who are looking to expand their businesses. Here is a story about one of those folks.
Carl Wagner wasn’t growing his chiropractic business as fast as he wanted to. When we started coaching I had him identify his clients biggest issues. One issue that he shared with me was that many of his clients had leg cramps.
We talked about things he recommends for them, in addition to chiropractic treatment. He shared that he told them to buy support hose.
So, I had him get with the local pharmacy selling the hose. What I saw was the mutual interest of the 2 businesses.
He connected with the pharmacy owner and we created a special event promotion. The clients of the chiropractor and the clients of the pharmacy were invited to participate in a drawing for $200 worth of products contributed by the pharmacy and my client. In addition to the grand prize, there were 10 additional prizes, valued at $50.
The event was held at the pharmacy where the drawing would occur. The pharmacy and my client had signs advertising the event in both their businesses for about 30 days prior to the drawing. They also mailed information to their mailing lists.
The pharmacy was given printed gift certificates to be seen for a one-hour office consult for leg pain or cramps, by the chiropractor.
The chiropractor gave out $5.00 certificates for support hose from the pharmacy to his clients.
They also created, with my help, press releases to the local community papers and radio and cable TV stations about the drawing. They got this in print as well as having the press actually show up to take pictures and write an article about the drawing.
On the day of the drawing, 149 people came to the pharmacy. The prizes were given out. The media recorded the event and every attendee was given a gift certificate for money off from the pharmacy as well as free consult from the chiropractor.
My client paid for some printing, mailing and postage, which cost him under $1,000. His return? In 30 days: $7682 in new client revenues!
What can YOU do to get more business?
Want more moneymaking tips fast?
Go to:
Thursday, September 16, 2004
A Career Choice
Align yourself with the fastest growing profession in the U.S.
Increase your existing income.
Acquire highly sought-after coaching and communication skills.
Improve your personal and professional effectiveness.
Choose Career Wellness!
Create a healthy career future.
For a healthy career choice, visit:
Increase your existing income.
Acquire highly sought-after coaching and communication skills.
Improve your personal and professional effectiveness.
Choose Career Wellness!
Create a healthy career future.
For a healthy career choice, visit:
Monday, September 13, 2004
More Health-More Wealth!
I am convinced that Gano Excel will be the next billion-dollar network marketing company! Would you like some of that pie?
Do you want to create more health? More wealth?
If you want to achieve more goals and live your life instead of dreaming what your life could be … vision yourself working when you want, being with the people you want, having the objects you want… picture it all… you CAN have it all, like I do.
Gano Excel provides a great opportunity regardless of education, age, sex, or race.
The only requirement is your desire to improve your life and the lives of others.
You can be part of this opportunity from anywhere, anytime and yes, even in the middle of a busy life!
If you want a home based business as a stay at home mom or dad, or have a disability or health challenge or have no retirement plan or have just retired, Gano Excel provides a service business that allows you to life your vision and help others.
Give up trading time for money and instead get more financial health and freedom.
If you have any of the following health challenges or know others who do, call me right away: lack of energy, unable to sleep, lack of mental alertness, poor bowel function, I encourage you to try this new healthy coffee I came across. Just dial this number (512-404-1288) right away and listen to a quick 2 minute message about the product, then email me to receive a free sample –
I just came across a 10 year old Malaysian company doing $130 Million per year with 1 Million customers in 22 counties around the world. They are marketing a product that is the second largest commodity on the stock exchange, and most North Americans already consume this 2 to 5 times per day. (Including you) They are just coming into North America and are expected to reach $1Billion in annual sales within the next 3 to 5 years.
By the way, their main ingredient has over 1,000 years of documented 3rd party studies and over 293 published scientific and medical reports you can access.
In the last 10 years there has only been 1 other company to come to the shores of North America with such a self-evident track record of success. They too are now a $1Billion company.
Do YOU know someone that would like to start his or her own Healthy Coffee Business?
Please have them call (512-404-1288) right away and listen to a quick 2 minute message about the product, then they can email me to receive a free sample –
Do you want to create more health? More wealth?
If you want to achieve more goals and live your life instead of dreaming what your life could be … vision yourself working when you want, being with the people you want, having the objects you want… picture it all… you CAN have it all, like I do.
Gano Excel provides a great opportunity regardless of education, age, sex, or race.
The only requirement is your desire to improve your life and the lives of others.
You can be part of this opportunity from anywhere, anytime and yes, even in the middle of a busy life!
If you want a home based business as a stay at home mom or dad, or have a disability or health challenge or have no retirement plan or have just retired, Gano Excel provides a service business that allows you to life your vision and help others.
Give up trading time for money and instead get more financial health and freedom.
If you have any of the following health challenges or know others who do, call me right away: lack of energy, unable to sleep, lack of mental alertness, poor bowel function, I encourage you to try this new healthy coffee I came across. Just dial this number (512-404-1288) right away and listen to a quick 2 minute message about the product, then email me to receive a free sample –
I just came across a 10 year old Malaysian company doing $130 Million per year with 1 Million customers in 22 counties around the world. They are marketing a product that is the second largest commodity on the stock exchange, and most North Americans already consume this 2 to 5 times per day. (Including you) They are just coming into North America and are expected to reach $1Billion in annual sales within the next 3 to 5 years.
By the way, their main ingredient has over 1,000 years of documented 3rd party studies and over 293 published scientific and medical reports you can access.
In the last 10 years there has only been 1 other company to come to the shores of North America with such a self-evident track record of success. They too are now a $1Billion company.
Do YOU know someone that would like to start his or her own Healthy Coffee Business?
Please have them call (512-404-1288) right away and listen to a quick 2 minute message about the product, then they can email me to receive a free sample –
Friday, September 10, 2004
Marketing Strategy
Press releases are a powerful marketing strategy.
Here are a few tips which have landed me on TV, radio (around the world) as well as publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Shape, Self and over 700 other newspapers and magazines. Alert the press when:
1. You first open your business.
2. Your business wins an award.
3. You have a great coaching success story.
4. You get your coaching certification/graduate from a coaching program.
5. You are making a public appearance.
6. You are giving a talk.
7. You published a book.
8. You are gifting money to charity.
9. You transitioned from one career to another.
I had the privilege of learning from the “Guru” of publicity himself, Paul Hartunian. I also had the honor of interviewing Paul and taping into his brilliance. You can learn his secrets at: Look for the title, Publicity Secrets. Don't go down the page too fast though, there are numerous products I offer!!
Here are a few tips which have landed me on TV, radio (around the world) as well as publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Shape, Self and over 700 other newspapers and magazines. Alert the press when:
1. You first open your business.
2. Your business wins an award.
3. You have a great coaching success story.
4. You get your coaching certification/graduate from a coaching program.
5. You are making a public appearance.
6. You are giving a talk.
7. You published a book.
8. You are gifting money to charity.
9. You transitioned from one career to another.
I had the privilege of learning from the “Guru” of publicity himself, Paul Hartunian. I also had the honor of interviewing Paul and taping into his brilliance. You can learn his secrets at: Look for the title, Publicity Secrets. Don't go down the page too fast though, there are numerous products I offer!!
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Coaching Skills
Why Do Parents Need Coaching Skills?
You may well ask, "Why do parents need to learn how to be parents?"
Because no one taught us growing up or at any point in our lives, the skills we need to raise children in the most supportive, effective and stress free ways.
We get flung into a role that we have never trained for and we learn by doing – often making mistakes that hurt our children’s self esteem and/or have us feeling overwhelmed and frustrated as parents.
Some of the things that parents who have learned coaching skills find very useful include: focusing on fun; deeply listening and connecting with their children; better communication with their children; how to create mutual respect with your children; how to establish good consequences; being consistent as a parent; being lovingly assertive; curbing their tempers; and establishing healthy boundaries.
If you want to begin learning coaching skills to be a better parent, start by showing your kids, consistently and constantly how deeply you love them and that you always love them for who they are even if what they do isn’t so great.
In addition, you can change your language so when your children are doing things that aren’t quite right, you can explain this to them in regards to their behaviors being non-acceptable vs. making the children wrong as people.
I also want you to know that you must ignore many of the negative behaviors you see in your children. By ignoring them, many of the behaviors will go away. So instead of constantly correcting, fixing and policing, find the good in your children and tell them about all the things they do that are right.
Being a parent can be tough. Children are considering things like alcohol, drugs, and sexual activities. You want them to make the “right” choices. To do this, you actually need to loosen up and let them go, once you have taught them to make good choices.
If you don't already have your own copy of the bestselling book, Coaching For An Extraordinary, get it today so you can start to parent with more ease and create successful children.
Here is what one reader said:
"No other book I've ever read delivers advice for a perfect way to live your life as easy to read and understand, than this book. I have discovered truths, which I've now applied to my own life, which really have made a remarkable difference - and that's what I love about this book. Advice that is not only sound, but works when you try it! I love that! Terri offers 'tools' to enable everyone to live a wonderfully rewarding life, and presented in such a way, you think, "well, gee, why didn't I think of that!" If I suspected Coaches were a special breed before, well, now I am convinced of it. I'm going to raise my child by these principles. Thank you, Terri!"
You may well ask, "Why do parents need to learn how to be parents?"
Because no one taught us growing up or at any point in our lives, the skills we need to raise children in the most supportive, effective and stress free ways.
We get flung into a role that we have never trained for and we learn by doing – often making mistakes that hurt our children’s self esteem and/or have us feeling overwhelmed and frustrated as parents.
Some of the things that parents who have learned coaching skills find very useful include: focusing on fun; deeply listening and connecting with their children; better communication with their children; how to create mutual respect with your children; how to establish good consequences; being consistent as a parent; being lovingly assertive; curbing their tempers; and establishing healthy boundaries.
If you want to begin learning coaching skills to be a better parent, start by showing your kids, consistently and constantly how deeply you love them and that you always love them for who they are even if what they do isn’t so great.
In addition, you can change your language so when your children are doing things that aren’t quite right, you can explain this to them in regards to their behaviors being non-acceptable vs. making the children wrong as people.
I also want you to know that you must ignore many of the negative behaviors you see in your children. By ignoring them, many of the behaviors will go away. So instead of constantly correcting, fixing and policing, find the good in your children and tell them about all the things they do that are right.
Being a parent can be tough. Children are considering things like alcohol, drugs, and sexual activities. You want them to make the “right” choices. To do this, you actually need to loosen up and let them go, once you have taught them to make good choices.
Here is what one reader said:
"No other book I've ever read delivers advice for a perfect way to live your life as easy to read and understand, than this book. I have discovered truths, which I've now applied to my own life, which really have made a remarkable difference - and that's what I love about this book. Advice that is not only sound, but works when you try it! I love that! Terri offers 'tools' to enable everyone to live a wonderfully rewarding life, and presented in such a way, you think, "well, gee, why didn't I think of that!" If I suspected Coaches were a special breed before, well, now I am convinced of it. I'm going to raise my child by these principles. Thank you, Terri!"
- Click
here - Coaching for an Extraordinary Life (soft cover) $14.99 plus $4.00
US Shipping (US delivery) - Click here - Coaching
for an Extraordinary Life (soft cover) $14.99 plus $8.00 Shipping (Foreign
Make an investment in YOURSELF
Monday, September 06, 2004
Executive Coaching
Executive coaching is growing by about 40% a year according to The Economist, December 2002.. “Executive coaching is a proven growth industry. At least 100,000 coaches work for businesses today, up from 2,000 in 1996. And that figure is expected to exceed 50,000 in the next five years. Executive coaching is also highly profitable; employers are now willing to pay fees ranging from $1500 to $15,000 a day” –The Economics of Coaching. Harvard Business School Journal, July 2002.
Due to the high demand, professionals who want to be trained as business coaches, and who want an accelerated learning program while achieving deep learning, can do so with a personal mentor. This allows them to fast track and get a flexible training system of high quality, to enter this booming field.
Interested in this exciting field? Check out all I have to offer you at: Comprehensive Coaching U. There is also so much more in the works please do keep checking back on updates!!
Want to link to my blog? Contact me and I will be happy to get in touch with you.
Due to the high demand, professionals who want to be trained as business coaches, and who want an accelerated learning program while achieving deep learning, can do so with a personal mentor. This allows them to fast track and get a flexible training system of high quality, to enter this booming field.
Interested in this exciting field? Check out all I have to offer you at: Comprehensive Coaching U. There is also so much more in the works please do keep checking back on updates!!
Want to link to my blog? Contact me and I will be happy to get in touch with you.
Friday, September 03, 2004
Improve Your Life
I read this wonderful saying by Ogden Nash today which might be why I have been married 25 years.
“To keep your marriage brimming,
With love in the wedding cup,
Whenever you’re wrong, admit it,
Whenever you’re right, shut up.”
It is interesting to me how much in alignment this is with the philosophy of coaching. In coach training we teach the skills of making people right vs. wrong and of being non-judgmental and charge neutral. Clearly, key skills needed in ALL relationships!
Learn coaching skills to improve your life, work and business success at:
“To keep your marriage brimming,
With love in the wedding cup,
Whenever you’re wrong, admit it,
Whenever you’re right, shut up.”
It is interesting to me how much in alignment this is with the philosophy of coaching. In coach training we teach the skills of making people right vs. wrong and of being non-judgmental and charge neutral. Clearly, key skills needed in ALL relationships!
Learn coaching skills to improve your life, work and business success at:
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Business Tips
Here are some tips I shared with other business owners (you can have all of them by going to and getting your own Attracting High Paying Clients Kit).
1. Keep marketing, even when you are busy and business is plentiful.
This will keep you full during slow times.
2. Be sure to market benefits, outcomes and results.
3. Start a charity program and give some of your revenue generated to a charity.
4. Use direct mail and buy lists.
Press releases are a powerful marketing strategy. Here are a few tips which have landed me on TV, radio (around the world0 as well as publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Shape, Self and over 700 other newspapers and magazines. Alert the press when:
1. You first open your business.
2. Your business wins an award.
3. You have a great coaching success story.
4. You get your coaching certification/graduate from a coaching program.
5. You are making a public appearance.
6. You are giving a talk.
7. You published a book.
8. You are gifting money to charity.
9. You transitioned from one career to another.
I had the privilege of learning from the “Guru” of publicity himself, Paul Hartunian. I also had the honor of interviewing Paul and taping into his brilliance. You can learn his secrets at: Look for the title, Publicity Secrets.
Remember to visit for the latest information and products.
1. Keep marketing, even when you are busy and business is plentiful.
This will keep you full during slow times.
2. Be sure to market benefits, outcomes and results.
3. Start a charity program and give some of your revenue generated to a charity.
4. Use direct mail and buy lists.
Press releases are a powerful marketing strategy. Here are a few tips which have landed me on TV, radio (around the world0 as well as publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Shape, Self and over 700 other newspapers and magazines. Alert the press when:
1. You first open your business.
2. Your business wins an award.
3. You have a great coaching success story.
4. You get your coaching certification/graduate from a coaching program.
5. You are making a public appearance.
6. You are giving a talk.
7. You published a book.
8. You are gifting money to charity.
9. You transitioned from one career to another.
I had the privilege of learning from the “Guru” of publicity himself, Paul Hartunian. I also had the honor of interviewing Paul and taping into his brilliance. You can learn his secrets at: Look for the title, Publicity Secrets.
Remember to visit for the latest information and products.
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